> Can you give an exsample how to call a custom action deferred? I try to set 
> the Execute property to deferred but the custom action is
> never called.
> <Component Id="C_XYZ" Guid="{SomeGUID}">
>    <File Id="SOME_EXE" Name="some.exe" KeyPath="yes" DiskId="1"
> Source="SourceDir\File\Some.exe" />
> </Component>
> <CustomAction Id="CA_ID" FileKey="SOME_EXE" ExeCommand="-a -b -c"
> Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no" />
> ...
> <InstallExecuteSequence>
>    <Custom Action="CA_ID" Sequence="1751">1</Custom>
> </InstallExecuteSequence>
I tried the same thing as Robert did and my CustomAction didnt execute
as well - actually the installation ended with an error:

/<Binary Id="MsiTools" SourceFile="MsiTools.dll"/>
<CustomAction Id="FileReplacer" BinaryKey="MsiTools"
DllEntry="FileReplace" Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no"/>
. . .
<util:XmlConfig Id="AddSomethingToXML" Action="create" ... />
. . .
    <Custom Action="FileReplacer" Sequence="4002">1</Custom>

/When I log the installation I noticed that there is a trace of a
CustomAction "ExecXmlConfig" which is executed at the very end of the
installation. It can be found in the CustomAction table with the type
number 3073. I guess it has something to do with it!?
Any ideas?

Thank's Chris

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