I'm trying to create a merge module with the file list as a separate
file so that programmers can edit it while still exposing as little of
the installer as possible. I'd planned to use a Fragment, but
discovered that Fragments are no longer supported (why?). If this were
not a merge module, I could easily use FeatureRef to include the
chunks of files. I'd rather not have dozens of ComponentRef entries,
as then either myself or the engineering group has to update the main
file each time there's a new addition to the file roster (which is
what I'm trying to avoid in the first place). If I use an include, the
file contents wont be brought into the correct location (inside the
Module node), right?

The Fragment structure looks like this currently:
        <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
            <Component Id="AddRoles.sql"
                <File Id="AddRoles.sql" Name="AddRoles.sql"
KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.db_script_src_dir)\AddRoles.sql" />

I'm new to this whole WiX thing, so please forgive me if I'm missing
the obvious.


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