I have not received a response. Is this a Wix bug? Should I go to the Windows 
Installer chat for help on this?

From: Brad Thompson (WEBSTORE)
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 11:20 AM
To: 'wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net'
Subject: Wix bug?

I am using Wix Version 2.0.5325.0
On the light command line I use the English localization command:

light.exe -loc WixUI_en-us.wxl -out WstSetup.MSI @wixobjs.rsp sca.wixlib 
wixca.wixlib wixui.wixlib @C:\Tmp\nm2F8.tmp

The MSI file compiles correctly, however, when I run it I get a start up 
message box like so:


This appears before the Welcome dialog. This window appears for sometimes one 
second, sometimes even shorter before it closes by itself.

So what is happening here?

<<inline: image001.jpg>>

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