Hello wix gurus, I was wondering if u could point me in the right direction 

I have a text box on a dialog with a browse button, so u can browse for a user 

When u click the browse button I call into a C++ custom action that opens the 
standard AD browser, the user can then select an account, push ok, and then the 
text in the text box should be the user account chosen.

Unfortunately I have some strange behavior. :( If u browse for an account the 
text box is updated correctly.  Even then if u browse again the text is 
replaced correctly.  However, if u type in the text box at all, then when u 
browse the text will not be replaced.  If u then click back and then next to 
return to that dialog the text is updated correctly.  (was that as clear as 

I'm not sure what I'm missing here, maybe my edit box needs to subscribe to a 
property change event???  Here is the code:

<Control Id="EditUserName" Type="Edit" X="120" Y="90" Width="162" Height="17" 
Property="SVC_USERNAME" />

<Control Id="PushButtonUserBrowse" Type="PushButton" X="287" Y="90" Width="48" 
Height="17" Text="$(loc.WixUIBrowse)" >
      <!--CAll the custom action to open a browser, and return a user account 
that the user chooses. -->
      <Publish Event="DoAction" Value="VaultOwnerBrowser">1</Publish>
      <Publish Property="SVC_USERNAME" Value="[SVC_USERNAME]">1</Publish>

Any help here would be so appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
Lindsay Harris
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