I'm having some trouble getting a couple of 3rd party msm files to
work correctly. The original instructions said that along with
including the merge module we should also schedule several custom
actions in the msi. After that failed I looked around the archives and
found several threads saying that's not how it's supposed to work and
merge modules that require that are badly designed. (Of course I
already kind of suspected that when I discovered that all three of the
merge modules in the package had identical GUIDs with just one digit
switched between each of them =)

So we decided to edit the original merge modules with Install Shield
and insert the custom actions into the ModuleInstallExecuteSequence
tables. However when we rebuilt the msi we found the custom actions
still weren't getting called. When I opened the newly built msi with
Orca I found that the Custom Actions show up correctly in the
CustomAction table, but that no new rows are being merged into

Is there something special that needs to be done to get that to
happen? I didn't see any obvious errors when running the makefile, and
I don't see anything about it in the documentation for the merge

I'm using Wix 2.0 and what I have in the code is elements such as:

<Merge Id="ConfigFilesMSM" Language="0"
src="I:\Install\Files\Shared\ConfigFiles.Msm" DiskId="1"
FileCompression="yes" />

In the ModuleInstallExecuteSequence table of the msm files we have rows such as:

Action: RemoveOldDriver.B391C18A_6953_11D4_82CB_00D0B72E1DB9
BaseAction: CostInitialize
After: 0

I was a bit suspicious of the GUID being tacked on there, but doing it
with and without the GUID doesn't seem to make any difference. I was
also unsure about leaving the Sequence column blank, but adding a
specific sequence number didn't seem to help either.

Since I haven't been able to find any threads from other people
encountering the issue it seems like it has to be something really
simple that I'm missing.

Thanks for any help!

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