Mike Dimmick wrote:
> KEY_WOW64_64KEY flag to the samDesired parameter of RegCreateKeyEx or
> RegOpenKeyEx. If required, you can delete a 64-bit key from 32-bit code by
> calling RegDeleteKeyEx.

The issue isn't Reg*Ex, it's GetNamedSecurityInfo in the SecureObject 
CA. SE_REGISTRY_WOW64_32KEY isn't sufficient.

> recompile for 64-bit, but I think it's less work than adding support for
> picking either 32- or 64-bit versions of the WiX custom action DLLs. Would
> light simply select the 'correct' version depending on the
> Package/@Platform? That would probably give wrong results for 32-bit
> components manipulated by the 64-bit version. Could you write the custom
> action correctly to manipulate both 32- and 64-bit components from the same
> deferred action, or would you need two custom actions? Does light schedule
> two immediate actions if the same WiX scheduling action is required for two
> different components, one 32-bit and one 64-bit? Are they going to work
> correctly if they have a limited view of the overall process, with only
> information about 32-bit components going to the 32-bit deferred action and
> only 64-bit components to the 64-bit action? Do you even have an Itanium to
> test on? <g>

Per-component, one immediate CA can schedule different deferred/rollback 
CAs based on component bitness and the package platform (to 
differentiate between x64 and IA64). And no IA64 warming up my office 
but they're around.<g>


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