here is a method I use to consume an xml file. You could get your server
application to generate an xml and let the client consume it during

Matthew Sheets wrote:
> To expand on some of the earlier suggestions, I would offer the following:
>  * As suggested earlier, create two WiX projects--one for the server and
> one for the client.
>  * Create the client so that all options (or at least a many as possible)
> will be used as properties.  To get the client WiX project to compile, you
> may need to define default properties and values in your WiX source files.
>  * As was also suggested, take a look at the Windows Installer SDK. 
> Specifically, I would take a look at the "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft
> SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Samples\SysMgmt\Msi\scripts" directory if you have the
> lastest Windows SDK installed.  In this folder, you will find a number of
> "Wi" prefixed VBScript files for interacting with Windows Installer.  Of
> particular interest might be WiRunSQL.vbs.  There are a few caveats, but
> you can essentially perform basic queries against an MSI file.  If you
> have defined all your configurable options as properties, you can simply
> UPDATE the Properties table with the custom values.  If you adapt the
> WiRunSQL vbScript file and embed it in the MSI to use as a VBScript
> CustomAction, you can use Session.Property("PropertyName") to set and/or
> retrieve property values from the currently-running setup process.  Feed
> those values to your MSI queries, and you should be able to update the
> client MSI file.
>  * There are some quirks in VBScript while running under Windows
> Installer.  For example, from my experience, timed dialog boxes always
> seem to spike the CPU and then just hang.  So, just forewarning you that a
> VBScript that behaves one way as a standalone script might behave
> differently under Windows Installer.
>  * Install Orca.msi from the "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft
> SDKs\Windows\v6.1\bin" directory if you have not done so already.  This
> will allow you to view the MSI "database" structure and view/edit table
> contents, which can be helpful in verifying that an MSI file was
> configured correctly.
> Though your desired process is a little different, I am essentially doing
> other steps similar to those describe above to achieve a similar result.
> Hope this helps,
> Matthew
> Phil Sayers wrote:
>> I'd love to be able to "touch" or "generate" the client MSI as part of
>> the server installation, based on information entered by a network admin
>> as part of the server MSI install.
>> This way the client side of the application would already have server
>> name, ip address, remoting endpoints written into it's config file and
>> the end user woudln't need to enter that info as part of the client
>> install.

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