I have not checked the first point.  I have to write small C/C++
program to verify the requirement to use API.  Or I have to dig the

For the second point, I only need to do one of them to successfully install.

Hidemto Yamauchi

On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 11:29 AM, Rob Mensching
> This is scary.  Is it possible that IIS changed the access to their API to 
> require elevated privileges to *read* the Metabase in SP1?  That would be 
> very bad.
> Did you have to do both steps (admin prompt and mark it Impersonate="no") to 
> successfully install?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hidemoto 
> Yamauchi
> Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 08:28
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [WiX-users] IIS extension failed on Vista SP1.
> Hello,
> I am using V3.0.4116 to build a MSI file and I encountered the issue
> when I tried to install a WiX generated MSI that creates a
> WebSite/Virtual directory on Vista with SP1.  The same MSI file could
> successfully be installed on Vista without SP1.
> >From the error code E_ACCESSDENIED in the log file, it seems to me
> that the issue is related to permissions to execute a custom action.
> Based on that, I found two work around for the issue.
> The first one is using Msiexec from administrator command prompt.
> The second one is modifying the MSI with ORCA.  So that 'ConfigureIIs'
> custom action is executed in system context by adding
> 'msidbCustomActionTypeNoImpersonate'.
> However, both of them are not practical.
> The following is more detail.
> First, the following is the snippet from the wxs file.
> ...
>    <Component Id="C_VDir"
> Guid="{A93949CE-DBD5-408e-825D-FF2595E1B6EE}" DiskId="1"
> KeyPath="yes">
>        <CreateFolder />
>        <iis:WebVirtualDir Id="VD_WiXWebDeploy" Alias="WiXWebDeploy"
> Directory="INSTALLLOCATION" WebSite="InstallToVdir">
>            <iis:WebApplication Id="WA_WiXWebDeploy" Name="WiXWebDeploy" />
>        </iis:WebVirtualDir>
>    </Component>
> ...
>    <iis:WebSite Id="InstallToVdir" Description="Default Web Site">
>        <iis:WebAddress Id="InstallToVDirRootWebAddress" Port="80"/>
>    </iis:WebSite>
> ...
> And, the following is the snippet from the log file which contains some 
> detail.
> ...
> MSI (s) (FC:C4) [15:30:04:439]: Doing action: ConfigureIIs
> Action 15:30:04: ConfigureIIs. Configuring IIS
> Action start 15:30:04: ConfigureIIs.
> MSI (s) (FC:E0) [15:30:04:470]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL:
> C:\Windows\Installer\MSIBA5F.tmp, Entrypoint: ConfigureIIs
> MSI (s) (FC!B8) [15:30:04:611]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding
> StartMetabaseTransaction property. Its value is 'ScaConfigureIIs'.
> MSI (s) (FC!B8) [15:30:04:627]: Doing action: StartMetabaseTransaction
> Action 15:30:04: StartMetabaseTransaction. Starting IIS Metabase Transaction
> Action start 15:30:04: StartMetabaseTransaction.
> 1: Starting IIS Metabase Transaction
> Action ended 15:30:04: StartMetabaseTransaction. Return value 1.
> MSI (s) (FC!B8) [15:30:04:642]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding
> RollbackMetabaseTransaction property. Its value is 'ScaConfigureIIs'.
> MSI (s) (FC!B8) [15:30:04:658]: Doing action: RollbackMetabaseTransaction
> Action 15:30:04: RollbackMetabaseTransaction. Rolling back IIS
> Metabase Transaction
> Action start 15:30:04: RollbackMetabaseTransaction.
> 1: Rolling back IIS Metabase Transaction
> Action ended 15:30:04: RollbackMetabaseTransaction. Return value 1.
> MSI (s) (FC!B8) [15:30:04:673]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding
> CommitMetabaseTransaction property. Its value is 'ScaConfigureIIs'.
> MSI (s) (FC!B8) [15:30:04:673]: Doing action: CommitMetabaseTransaction
> Action 15:30:04: CommitMetabaseTransaction. Committing IIS Metabase 
> Transaction
> Action start 15:30:04: CommitMetabaseTransaction.
> 1: Committing IIS Metabase Transaction
> Action ended 15:30:04: CommitMetabaseTransaction. Return value 1.
> ConfigureIIs:  Error 0x80070005: Failed to find web root
> ConfigureIIs:  Error 0x80070005: failed to read IIsWebSite table
> Error 26002. Failed to read IIsWebSite table.   (-2147024891         )
> MSI (s) (FC!B8) [15:30:06:427]: Product: WiXWebDeploy -- Error 26002.
> Failed to read IIsWebSite table.   (-2147024891         )
> Action ended 15:30:06: ConfigureIIs. Return value 3.
> ..
> I removed MSIHANDLE messages from above.
> Does anyone have any suggestion?
> Thanks
> Hidemoto Yamauchi
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