But you could write a bootstrapper that caches and tweaks the package based on 
user input before calling into the install.   I know of several tools 
and package authors that follow this pattern.

Christopher Painter, Author of Deployment Engineering Blog
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--- On Tue, 6/10/08, Bob Arnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Bob Arnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Vista: per-user installation without administrator 
To: "General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset." 
Date: Tuesday, June 10, 2008, 6:57 PM

Andreas Hellwig wrote:
> Is there a way to avoid the UAC for the Per-User installation, and only 
> get it for the Per-Machine installation?

No. Unfortunately, MSI in Vista puts the flag for no-elevation-required 
in the package summary info. That means you can't change it at install 
time, only at build time.


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