> by daleq Apr 18, 2008; 02:28pm
>> From: Rob Mensching [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 2:18 PM

>> Actually, we *just* added 64-bit support (took for freakin' ever to
>> put the build back together). I'm not sure CAQuietExec was made
>> 64-bit since we only focused on the CAs that had known issues.  If
>> it doesn't feel free to open a bug with the below information.

> That sounds great!  I'll take a look at 3.0.4014.0.

Sorry for the long delay.  

I've just tried with 3.0.4214.0 and it does not seem to work.  I've
filed a bug here;

I assume that this may possibly be resolved in src\ca\wcautil\qtexec.cpp
at this section;

    if (::CreateProcessW(NULL,
        wzCommand, // command line
        NULL, // security info
        NULL, // thread info
        TRUE, // inherit handles
        ::GetPriorityClass(::GetCurrentProcess()) | CREATE_NO_WINDOW, //
creation flags
        NULL, // environment
        NULL, // cur dir

but I don't know enough C to fight my way out of a wet paper bag.


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