I haven't tried it, so may not work.
WiX help file is saying the following in regards Root="HKCU":

"Operation occurs under HKEY_CURRENT_USER. It is recommended to set the 
KeyPath='yes' attribute when setting this value in order to ensure that the 
installer writes the necessary registry entries when there are multiple users 
on the same computer."

Try to set the KeyPath to yes and see what will happen.  You may want to move 
registry into separate component.

Alex Shevchuk

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of bryan rasmussen
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 1:29 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] registry edit not being registered


I guess I'll try to rephrase my question because the lack of response
probably indicates the other one wasn't phrased well, is there
anything in the following wix file that would be a sufficient
explanation for why the Registry setting at the end of the component
is never written?

If there is not anything that is a sufficient explanation is there
anything one would look at in such a situation to try to debug what is
going on?

the file:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<Wix xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2003/01/wi'>
  <Product Id='12345678-1234-1234-1234-098765432114' Name='Software
Innovation GrowBusiness AutoPilot' Language='1033'
           Version='' Manufacturer='Software Innovation'>
     <Package Id='12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789015'
               Description='Sample AutoPilot installation package'
               Comments='First example of AutoPilot installation'
               InstallerVersion='200' Compressed='yes' />

     <Media Id='1' Cabinet='product.cab' EmbedCab='yes' />

     <Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'>
        <Directory Id='ProgramFilesFolder' Name='PFiles'>
           <Directory Id='SIDir' Name='SI' LongName='SoftwareInnovation'>
<Directory Id='AUTOPILOT' Name='autop' LongName='AutoPilot'>
              <Component Id='hotkeyfiles'
                 <File Id='AutoPilot' LongName='AutoPilot.exe'
Name="autopilo" DiskId='1' Vital="yes"
src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\AutoPilot.exe' />
                 <File Id='gbsicon' Name='gbslogo.ico' DiskId='1'
Vital="yes" src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\gbslogo.ico'
                 <File Id='hotkeys1' LongName='General Soegning'
Name="GenSoeg" DiskId='1'
src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\General Soegning'

                 <File Id='hotkeys2' Name="NyKor" LongName='Ny
KorrespondanceDokument' DiskId='1'
KorrespondanceDokument' />

                 <File Id='hotkeys3' Name="OpNyAkt" LongName='Opret
Ny Aktivitet' DiskId='1'
src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\Opret Ny Aktivitet'

                 <File Id='hotkeys4' Name="OpNyKon" LongName='Opret
Ny Kontakt' DiskId='1'
src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\Opret Ny Kontakt'

                 <File Id='hotkeys5' Name="OpNyVi" LongName='Opret Ny
Virksomhed' DiskId='1'
src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\Opret Ny
Virksomhed' />
                 <File Id='hotkeys6' Name="SkrAdm"
LongName='Skrivebord Administration' DiskId='1'
Administration' />
                 <File Id='hotkeys7' Name="SoegKon" LongName='Soeg
KontaktPerson' DiskId='1'
src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\Soeg KontaktPerson'
                 <File Id='hotkeys8' Name="SoegKor" LongName='Soeg
Korrespondance' DiskId='1'
Korrespondance' />

  <File Id='hotkeys10' Name="help" LongName='Hjaelp' DiskId='1'
src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\Hjaelp' />

                 <File Id='hotkeys9' Name="SoegVi" LongName='Soeg
Virksomhed' DiskId='1'
src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\Soeg Virksomhed' />

                 <File Id='hotkeys11' Name="SoegD" LongName='Soeg
Dokument' DiskId='1'
src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\Soeg Dokument' />

                 <File Id='graphic1' Name="backg.jpg"
LongName='background_ap_gui.jpg' DiskId='1'
                 <File Id='graphic2' Name="footer"
LongName='footer_ap_gui.jpg' DiskId='1'

                  <File Id='graphic3' Name="header"
LongName='header_ap_gui.jpg' DiskId='1'

                 <File Id='programconfig' Name='keys.ini' DiskId='1'
src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\keys.ini' />
                  <File Id='size1' Name="1680X1" LongName='1680X1050'
DiskId='1' src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\1680X1050'

                      <File Id='size2' Name="1400X1"
LongName='1400X1050' DiskId='1'
src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\1400X1050' />

                   <File Id='size3' Name="1280X1"
LongName='1280X1024' DiskId='1'
src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\1280X1024' />
                   <File Id='size4' Name="1280X7" LongName='1280X768'
DiskId='1' src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\1280X768'

<Registry Root="HKCU"
               Action="write" Name="SIAutoPilot"
Type="string" />


<Feature Id='hotkeys_step1' Title='GrowBusiness Hotkeys 1.0'
Description='Installation package'
     Display='expand' Level='1' ConfigurableDirectory='AUTOPILOT'>
     <Feature Id='MainProgram' Title='Program' Description='The main
executable.' Level='1'>
     <ComponentRef Id='hotkeyfiles' />



Bryan Rasmussen

On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 9:26 AM, bryan rasmussen
> Hi,
> This Wix file seems to install, at any rate all of the files get
> output to the correct folder, but the ending registry edit doesn't
> happen, and the installation doesn't ever stop (meaning that when I
> reboot my installation is just sitting there waiting to complete) so I
> have to use Windows uninstall toolkit to manually stop the
> installation.
> Here's the file, any reasons that you can think of?:
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
> <Wix xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2003/01/wi'>
>   <Product Id='12345678-1234-1234-1234-098765432114' Name='Software
> Innovation GrowBusiness AutoPilot' Language='1033'
>            Version='' Manufacturer='Software Innovation'>
>      <Package Id='12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789015'
>                Description='Sample AutoPilot installation package'
>                Comments='First example of AutoPilot installation'
>                InstallerVersion='200' Compressed='yes' />
>      <Media Id='1' Cabinet='product.cab' EmbedCab='yes' />
>      <Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'>
>         <Directory Id='ProgramFilesFolder' Name='PFiles'>
>            <Directory Id='SIDir' Name='SI' LongName='SoftwareInnovation'>
> <Directory Id='AUTOPILOT' Name='autop' LongName='AutoPilot'>
>               <Component Id='hotkeyfiles'
> Guid='12345678-1234-1234-1234-098765432114'>
>                  <File Id='AutoPilot' LongName='AutoPilot.exe'
> Name="autopilo" DiskId='1' Vital="yes"
> src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\AutoPilot.exe' />
>                  <File Id='gbsicon' Name='gbslogo.ico' DiskId='1'
> Vital="yes" src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\gbslogo.ico'
> />
>                  <File Id='hotkeys1' LongName='General Soegning'
> Name="GenSoeg" DiskId='1'
> src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\General Soegning'
> />
>                  <File Id='hotkeys2' Name="NyKor" LongName='Ny
> KorrespondanceDokument' DiskId='1'
> src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\Ny
> KorrespondanceDokument' />
>                  <File Id='hotkeys3' Name="OpNyAkt" LongName='Opret
> Ny Aktivitet' DiskId='1'
> src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\Opret Ny Aktivitet'
> />
>                  <File Id='hotkeys4' Name="OpNyKon" LongName='Opret
> Ny Kontakt' DiskId='1'
> src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\Opret Ny Kontakt'
> />
>                  <File Id='hotkeys5' Name="OpNyVi" LongName='Opret Ny
> Virksomhed' DiskId='1'
> src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\Opret Ny
> Virksomhed' />
>                  <File Id='hotkeys6' Name="SkrAdm"
> LongName='Skrivebord Administration' DiskId='1'
> src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\Skrivebord
> Administration' />
>                  <File Id='hotkeys7' Name="SoegKon" LongName='Soeg
> KontaktPerson' DiskId='1'
> src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\Soeg KontaktPerson'
> />
>                  <File Id='hotkeys8' Name="SoegKor" LongName='Soeg
> Korrespondance' DiskId='1'
> src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\Soeg
> Korrespondance' />
>   <File Id='hotkeys10' Name="help" LongName='Hjaelp' DiskId='1'
> src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\Hjaelp' />
>                  <File Id='hotkeys9' Name="SoegVi" LongName='Soeg
> Virksomhed' DiskId='1'
> src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\Soeg Virksomhed' />
>                  <File Id='hotkeys11' Name="SoegD" LongName='Soeg
> Dokument' DiskId='1'
> src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\Soeg Dokument' />
>                  <File Id='graphic1' Name="backg.jpg"
> LongName='background_ap_gui.jpg' DiskId='1'
> src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\background_ap_gui.jpg'
> />
>                  <File Id='graphic2' Name="footer"
> LongName='footer_ap_gui.jpg' DiskId='1'
> src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\footer_ap_gui.jpg'
> />
>                   <File Id='graphic3' Name="header"
> LongName='header_ap_gui.jpg' DiskId='1'
> src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\header_ap_gui.jpg'
> />
>                  <File Id='programconfig' Name='keys.ini' DiskId='1'
> src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\keys.ini' />
>                   <File Id='size1' Name="1680X1" LongName='1680X1050'
> DiskId='1' src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\1680X1050'
> />
>                       <File Id='size2' Name="1400X1"
> LongName='1400X1050' DiskId='1'
> src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\1400X1050' />
>                    <File Id='size3' Name="1280X1"
> LongName='1280X1024' DiskId='1'
> src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\1280X1024' />
>                    <File Id='size4' Name="1280X7" LongName='1280X768'
> DiskId='1' src='C:\projects\work\growbusinesshotkeys\version2\1280X768'
> />
> <Registry Root="HKCU"
>                Key="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
>                Action="write" Name="SIAutoPilot" 
> Value="[AUTOPILOT]AutoPilot.exe"
> Type="string" />
>               </Component>
> </Directory>
>            </Directory>
>         </Directory>
>      </Directory>
> <Feature Id='hotkeys_step1' Title='GrowBusiness Hotkeys 1.0'
> Description='Installation package'
>      Display='expand' Level='1' ConfigurableDirectory='AUTOPILOT'>
>      <Feature Id='MainProgram' Title='Program' Description='The main
> executable.' Level='1'>
>      <ComponentRef Id='hotkeyfiles' />
>      </Feature>
>    </Feature>
>   </Product>
> </Wix>
> Other things I would like to ask:
> 1. some of the names of files should use Danish Characters, but this
> raises an error in Wix (this was the reason why I set the encoding to
> ISO-8859-1)
> 2. I need to retrieve a value from the registry and write the value to
> a file, can you give me a link to a tutorial that shows that (probably
> find that relatively easy on my ow, but with the other questions
> already in play I figured the experts could just tell me.)
> Thanks everyone,
> Bryan Rasmussen

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