
What I'm trying to do is:

a-      web site exists: add my virtual directories during install, remove 
virtual directories during un-install. Keep web site during un-install (since 
it existed prior to install)

b-      web site does not exist: create it during install, add virtual 
directories during install, then remove both vdirs and web site during 

With current implementation 
(http://wix.sourceforge.net/manual-wix2/wix_xsd_website.htm), it seems like I 
have to do two different MSIs:

1.       Web site exists: put <iis:WebSite /> node under <Product />.

2.       Web site does not exist: put <iis:WebSite /> node under <Component />.

Reason why I'm trying to do it: our installer needs to support user defined 
ports. If user chooses port 80, we usually end up with case a-, and choosing 
option 2- would mean deleting the default web site and breaking other apps. If 
user chooses another port (ex: 8080), we usually end up with case b- and 
choosing option 1- raises the "Failed to read IIsWebSite table" error message.

Ideally, I'd like to be able to use option 2 but not remove the web site during 
un-install if it was already here (similar to the "ConfigureIfExists" flag that 
we have at install time).

Is this possible, or do I need to do 2 MSIs? I'm using wix v3.0.4214.0



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