
I have modified the Sample Patch by Peter Marcu to test all the cases.

The MoveFile problem happens only if

1. Installer has UI
2. msiexec /update Patch.msp REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus is used

The sample has no UI, so the simplest command line installs the update.

msiexec /update Patch.msp 

But, if we have UI, msiexec /update Patch.msp /passive does nothing. If I add 
REINSTALL & REINSTALLMODE my database is gone.

Any ideas how to avoid REINSTALL & REINSTALLMODE and install the patch?

Best regards,
Ilya Slobodin



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";>
  <Product Id="58F3D6A9-05B2-4CF8-BEAF-B838E51A6BB9" Name="WiX Patch MoveFiles 
Example Product" Language="1033" Version="1.0.0" Manufacturer="Spartak 
Corporation" UpgradeCode="48C49ACE-90CF-4161-9C6E-9162115A54DD">
    <Package Description="Installs a file that will be patched and a database." 
Comments="This Product does not install any executables" InstallerVersion="200" 
Compressed="yes" />

    <Media Id="1" Cabinet="product.cab" EmbedCab="yes" />
    <FeatureRef Id="SampleProductFeature"/>

    <Feature Id="SampleProductFeature" Title="Sample Product Feature" Level="1">
      <ComponentRef Id="Sample.txt" />
    <Feature Id="SampleDbFeature" Title="Sample Db Feature" Level="1">
      <ComponentRef Id="SampleDb.txt" />
      <Condition Level="0">

    <DirectoryRef Id="SampleProductFolder">
      <Component Id="Sample.txt" Guid="{C28843DA-EF08-41CC-BA75-D2B99D8A1983}" 
        <File Id="Sample.txt" Name="Sample.txt" 
Source=".\$(var.Version)\Sample.txt" />
      <Component Id="SampleDb.txt" 
Guid="{90F16097-E218-4699-AFFC-9E36B20C8CCC}" DiskId="1">
        <File Id="SampleDb.txt" Name="SampleDb.txt" 
Source=".\$(var.Version)\SampleDb.txt" />
        <CopyFile Id="SampleDb.bak" SourceDirectory="SampleProductFolder" 
SourceName="SampleDb.txt" DestinationDirectory="SampleProductFolder" 
DestinationName="SampleDb.bak" Delete="yes" />
        <RemoveFile Id="RemoveSampleDb.bak" Name="SampleDb.bak" On="uninstall"/>

    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
      <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Name="PFiles">
        <Directory Id="SampleProductFolder" Name="Patch Sample Directory">



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";>
        Manufacturer="Dynamo Corp" 
        DisplayName="Sample Patch" 
        Description="Small Update Patch" 
        <Media Id="5000" Cabinet="RTM.cab">
            <PatchBaseline Id="RTM"/>

        <PatchFamilyRef Id="SamplePatchFamily"/>

        <PatchFamily Id='SamplePatchFamily' Version='1.0.0' Supersede='yes'>
            <ComponentRef Id="Sample.txt"/>



if NOT EXIST 1.0 md 1.0
if NOT EXIST 1.1 md 1.1
if NOT EXIST Patch md Patch

if NOT EXIST 1.0\Sample.txt echo 1.0 > 1.0\Sample.txt
if NOT EXIST 1.0\SampleDb.txt echo Db-1.0 > 1.0\SampleDb.txt

if NOT EXIST 1.1\Sample.txt echo 1.1 > 1.1\Sample.txt
if NOT EXIST 1.1\SampleDb.txt echo Db-1.0 > 1.1\SampleDb.txt

:: 1. Build Target Layout:
candle.exe -dVersion=1.0 product.wxs
light.exe -sval -xo Product.wixobj -out 1.0\Product.wixout
light.exe 1.0\Product.wixout -out 1.0\Product.msi
msiexec /a 1.0\Product.msi ROOTDRIVE=%~dp01.0\Admin

:: 2. Build the Upgrade Layout:
candle.exe -dVersion=1.1 product.wxs
light.exe -sval -xo Product.wixobj -out 1.1\Product.wixout
light.exe 1.1\Product.wixout -out 1.1\Product.msi
msiexec /a 1.1\Product.msi ROOTDRIVE=%~dp01.1\Admin

:: 3.a Create the wixout-based transform between your products:
torch.exe -p -xi 1.0\Product.wixout 1.1\Product.wixout -out Patch\Diff.Wixmst
:: 3.b Create the admin-image-based transform between your products:
torch.exe -p -ax TorchBinaries -xo -t patch 1.0\Admin\Product.msi 
1.1\Admin\Product.msi -out Patch\DiffAdmin.Wixmst

:: 4. Build the Patches:
candle.exe Patch.wxs
light.exe Patch.wixobj -out Patch\Patch.WixMsp
pyro.exe Patch\Patch.WixMsp -out Patch\Patch.msp -t RTM Patch\Diff.wixmst
pyro.exe Patch\Patch.WixMsp -out Patch\PatchAdmin.msp -t RTM 


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