I'm trying to use
    <PropertyRef Id='VS2005_SCHEMAS_DIR'/>
    <PropertyRef Id='VS2005_PROJECTTEMPLATES_DIR'/>
    <PropertyRef Id='VS2005_ITEMTEMPLATES_DIR'/>
    <PropertyRef Id='VS90_SCHEMAS_DIR'/>
    <PropertyRef Id='VS90_PROJECTTEMPLATES_DIR'/>
    <PropertyRef Id='VS90_ITEMTEMPLATES_DIR'/>

For things like
    <DirectoryRef Id="VS2005_PROJECTTEMPLATES_DIR">
      <Directory Id="Dir_MyProjectTemplatesVS2005" Name="MyTemplates">
        <Component Id="Comp_ProjectTemplatesVS2005" DiskId="1" 

But I'm getting the following link errors
Unresolved reference to symbol 'Directory:VS2005_PROJECTTEMPLATES_DIR' in 
section 'Fragment:'.                Installer\Integration.wxs              302  
       1              Installer
Unresolved reference to symbol 'Directory:VS2005_ITEMTEMPLATES_DIR' in section 
'Fragment:'.                Installer\Integration.wxs              312         
1              Installer
Unresolved reference to symbol 'Directory:VS90_PROJECTTEMPLATES_DIR' in section 
'Fragment:'.                Installer\Integration.wxs              323         
1              Installer
Unresolved reference to symbol 'Directory:VS90_ITEMTEMPLATES_DIR' in section 
'Fragment:'. Installer\Integration.wxs                334         1             
Unresolved reference to symbol 'Directory:VS2005_SCHEMAS_DIR' in section 
'Fragment:'.          Installer\Integration.wxs                348         1    
Unresolved reference to symbol 'Directory:VS90_SCHEMAS_DIR' in section 
'Fragment:'.               Installer\Integration.wxs                362         
1              Installer

I'm pretty sure I've got the correct WixVSExtension referenced, since these 
    <PropertyRef Id='VS2005DEVENV'/>
    <CustomActionRef Id="VS2005Setup"/>

seem to work (I don't get any reference errors about VS2005Setup or 
      <Custom Action="VS2005Setup" Before="InstallFinalize"> VS2005DEVENV 

          <Extension Id="myext" ContentType="text/xml">
            <Verb Id="Open" Command="&amp;Open in Visual Studio 2005" 
TargetProperty="VS2005DEVENV" Argument="&quot;%1&quot;" />

I'm using version 3.0.4123.0

Any help would be appreciated.


Ian Sullivan
Software Development Engineer
Microsoft Inc., Windows Live Agents: SDK

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