I have an install which needs to drop files into a products plugin
folder.  Unfortunately, the vendor decided to change the registry key
under which the install location is found when they released a service
pack.  I would like to use SetDirectory with conditions rather than
explicitly code the Type 51 custom actions, but I am getting duplicate
symbol errors on compile for the following fragment.  I tried using a
single SetDirectory with two SetProperty elements (to say
P.PRODUCT_X_PLUGINS_ACTUAL) but found the same issue with duplicate
symbols for the SetProperty.  Any suggestions, or should I log a
feature/bug for this.

                <Property Id="P.PRODUCT_X_PLUGINS" >
                        <RegistrySearch Id="RS.ProductXPlugins"
Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Vendor\X" Name="InstallDir" Type="directory" >
                                <DirectorySearch Id="DS.ProductXPlugins"
Path="Plugins" Depth="1"/>
                <Property Id="P.PRODUCT_XSP1_PLUGINS" >
                        <RegistrySearch Id="RS.ProductXSP1Plugins"
Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Vendor\XSP1" Name="InstallDir"
Type="directory" >
Id="DS.ProductXSP1Plugins" Path="Plugins" Depth="1"/>
                <DirectoryRef Id="TARGETDIR">
                        <Directory Id="D.ProductX.Plugins"/>
                <SetDirectory Id="D.ProductX.Plugins"
                <SetDirectory Id="D.ProductX.Plugins"


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