I tried to upgrade to WiX 3.0.4603.0 but I was not able to get my project to 
build anymore when I did this.  The previous release, WiX 3.0.4513.0 worked 

Here is a snippet of the MSBuild diagnostic output when building a project with 
WiX 3.0.4513.0:

Using "Candle" task from assembly "C:\Program Files 
Task "Candle" (TaskId:25)
  Command: (TaskId:25)
  C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Installer XML v3\bin\candle.exe -wx 
[...snip...] MSAF.wxs (TaskId:25)
  Microsoft (R) Windows Installer Xml Compiler version 3.0.4513.0 (TaskId:25)
  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. (TaskId:25)
  MSAF.wxs (TaskId:25)
Done executing task "Candle". (TaskId:25)

On my 64-bit system, WiX 3.0.4513.0 installs to C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 
Installer XML v3.

Here is a snippet of the MSBuild diagnostic output when building a project with 
WiX 3.0.4603.0:

Using "Candle" task from assembly "C:\Program Files 
Task "Candle" (TaskId:26)
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\WiX\v3.0\Wix.targets(1192,5): error 
MSB6004: The specified task executable location "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 
Installer XML v3\bin\candle.exe" is invalid.
Done executing task "Candle" -- FAILED. (TaskId:26)

On my 64-bit system, WiX 3.0.4603.0 installs to C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 
Installer XML Toolset 3.0.4603.0.

It looks like the tools path information is out of sync somewhere.

$_='^#(/||/@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@:^[-['^";@@@\\>])@.".

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