I'm trying to get a very simple DTF project running.  I have a simple WiX 
project which invokes a DTF managed custom action.  However, I can't seem to do 
anything useful in my custom action before it crashes.  It seems that 
MsiGetActiveDatabase is returning 0 (NULL?) for the handle which results in an 
InstallerException when getting any property like Database, Components, 
Features, etc.

My entire custom action code looks like this:

namespace DtfSample
    using System;
    using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller;

    public static class SampleCustomActions
        public static ActionResult DoStuff(Session session)
            session.Log("DoStuff Started");
            session.Log("My database file path is '{0}'", 
session.Database.FilePath ?? "<UNKNOWN>");

            return ActionResult.Success;

The second line of DoStuff fails with the InstallException I mentioned above.

I also have a CustomAction.config which looks like this, as recommended by the 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727"/>

Here are the relevant portions of the WXS file:

    <Binary Id="DtfSampleCA"
            SourceFile="..\DtfSample\bin\Debug\DtfSample.CA.dll" />
    <CustomAction Id="DtfSample.DoStuff"
                  Return="check" />
      <Custom Action="DtfSample.DoStuff" Before="InstallFinalize" />

(I'm also using the WiXUIExtension, but I'm not customizing it or anything.)

I'm building this with Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and the managed custom action 
template which comes with WiX 3.0.4513.0 (I used the 64-bit installer for WiX, 
if that matters).  My system is 64-bit Vista, although my VS projects for both 
WiX and DTF are set for the x86 platform.

I have a feeling my problem is something to do with 64-bit since I know others 
are using this successfully.  In general, it's very hard to tell what I could 
be doing wrong due to the lack of error information (the exception has no 
helpful information or error code or anything).  I've even tried setting 
everything to the x64 platform, specifying Platform="x64" in my WXS file, etc. 
and it fails the same way.

What am I doing wrong?

$_='^#(/||/@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@:^[-['^";@@@\\>])@.".

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