
Last week I posted a query about our COM+ application getting reference
counts on running a repair install. I realise COM+ is one of the darker
corners of installer technology but I'm still scratching my head on this

The reference counts in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\SharedDLLs is
incremented by the COM+ catalogue services during a repair, probably as part
of the API calls made by the ComPlus custom action in WiX. The repair log
shows it going through an uninstall/install process which appears correct.
Now I'm wondering if my authoring is incorrect. I hadn't realised the COM+
catalogue service causes self registration and I already included a file and
typelib elements to ensure correct registration. Would this be a problem?

This is one of the COM+ components installed as a separate COM+ application.
After repair the SharedDLLs reference count is 3. The count doesn't exist on
straight install/de-install.

    <DirectoryRef Id="ProductRoot">
      <Component Id="DBLink" Guid="CE4BE871-DCE2-4D93-9CE9-BFA113BF6DD0">
        <File Id="DBLinkDll" ShortName="DBLink.DLL" Name="dblink.dll"
          <TypeLib Id="C43AB043-FC74-11D2-8F9A-0060080C772F" Advertise="no"
MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="0" Language="0" Description="dblink 1.0 Type
            <Class Id="C43AC053-AC74-11D2-8F9A-0060080C772F" Advertise="no"
Description="DBRequest" Context="InprocServer32" ThreadingModel="free"
              <ProgId Id="DBRequest.1">
                <ProgId Id="DBRequest" />
            <Interface Id="06C8656B-7020-4308-81AD-A121B73F1169"
Name="IFilterEx" ProxyStubClassId="00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"
ProxyStubClassId32="00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046" />
        <pca:ComPlusApplication Id="DBRequests" Name="DBRequests"
ImpersonationLevel="identify" Authentication="none"
Identity="[REQ_DomainName]\[REQ_UserName]" Password="[REQ_Password]"
          <pca:ComPlusAssembly Id="RequestsAssembly"
DllPath="$(env.VSBUILDPATH)\$(var.BuildType)\dblink.dll" Type="native">
            <pca:ComPlusComponent Id="DBRequest.1"
CLSID="C43AC053-FC74-11D2-8F9A-0060080C772F" />

Any help appreciated,

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