0/1. So my approach may be valid.

2. I'll give this a try.

It was torch that highlighted the issue to me. I was trying a new
bootstrapper that handles the different languages as transforms and I
thought I could generate them from my MSI's. When I ran torch to
generate the MST is raised a warning to say the product ids where

I may be wrong but I think the bits of torch that I would need to use
aren't implemented, I saw a blog from Derek C the implied they were
future developments and I can't see anything in the help to suggest



-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Mensching [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 06 November 2008 22:31
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Install Localisation

0.  *Every* MSI should have a different PackageCode.  Even two builds of
the same MSI.

1.  You *can* have different ProductCodes for all of your languages.
Depends on what your SxS story is.

2.  The most efficient way I've seen this done is:

a.  Link to ".wixout" files.  This will get you everything but the final
localized build.

b.  Use cab cache to minimize the number of cabinets rebuilt.  If you
are really careful with your Media elements this can lead to huge

c.  Link the ".wixout" file with each ".wxl" file in turn, to build the
final MSI files.

d.  Use torch to build transforms from all of the MSIs.

There may be an optimization where you can build .wixouts with .wxl
files to create localized .wixouts and torch those .wixouts.  This will
not have the file table information correct so it may not work for you.
Also, Peter was talking about issues with torch and .wixouts but I don't
remember them right now.

It's been a long while since I did all the above so YMMV and please feel
free to correct me where I'm wrong.  It might be a bug.  <smile/>

-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Sleightholm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 14:19
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] Install Localisation

I am looking for advise in localising installs.

I need to deploy an application in several languages and I thought I had
the solution, what I did was this:

1.       Set the CAB file as not embedded as the files are the same for
all languages.

2.       Run candle for wxs files

3.       Run light against the wixobj files but specifying a different
culture each time I ran it

4.       This creates an msi for each language with an external CAB

This works but I have just noticed a major problem, each time I run
light it generates a new product and package code (I use the Guid="*"
syntax for them). So this means that each language has a different
product/package code and this is clear not really correct.

Can anyone suggest a better method for doing this? Ideally I would like
to generate one msi and then run some command to generate a transform
for each language.



Neil Sleightholm
X2 Systems Limited

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