I'm trying to include documentation made with SandCastle within the
global VS 2005 and VS 2008 namespaces but I think there is something I'm
not doing right. Actually, I'm trying to use the VSExtension dll which
seems to partly work for what I want to do.
From what I see, at the moment, my namespace gets registered (according
to the HelpIntegration\Namespace.exe application from the VS2008 SDK)
but doesn't plugin within the VS namespace.

The other thing is: what do I do with all the HxK files?

Finally, is there anybody who made a custom WiX action to support H2Reg
ini files?
Here is my WiX code:
<Component Id="DevDocumentationContent"
                <vs:HelpFile Id="P8DIW2_LLMRQ" Language="1036"
Name="P8DIW2_LLMRQ" />
                <vs:HelpCollection Id="P8DIW2_LLMRQ" Description="LLMRQ
[ P8DIW2 ]" Name="P8DIW2_LLMRQ">
TargetCollection="MS_VSIPCC_v80" TableOfContents="P8DIW2_LLMRQ_Help_TOC"
TargetCollection="MS.VSIPCC.v90" TableOfContents="P8DIW2_LLMRQ_Help_TOC"
        <File Id="P8DIW2_LLMRQ_Help_TOC"
" />

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