I messed up on the pasting, so here it is, fixed.

I'm compiling my installer on WiX 3.0.4805. Here is the error(s) I get...

C:\Documents and Settings\Curtis\Local 
Settings\Temp\perldist\wix_fragments\Icons.wxs(5) : error LGHT0204 : ICE38: 
Component C_S_CPAN_Client installs to user profile. It must use a registry key 
under HKCU as its KeyPath, not a file.
C:\Documents and Settings\Curtis\Local 
Settings\Temp\perldist\wix_fragments\Icons.wxs(5) : error LGHT0204 : ICE43: 
Component C_S_CPAN_Client has non-advertised shortcuts. It should use a 
registry key under HKCU as its KeyPath, not a file.

Here's the component in question...

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
<Wix xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi'>
   <Fragment Id='Fr_Icons'>
     <DirectoryRef Id='D_App_Menu'>
       <Component Id='C_S_CPAN_Client' 
         <Shortcut Id='S_CPAN_Client'
                   Name='CPAN Client'
                   Description='CPAN Client'
                   WorkingDirectory='D_38F7F36E_C5DC_36DA_897C_C13F6A817F9F' />
         <CreateFolder Directory="D_App_Menu" />
... (4 more of those)

and here's the important parts of the main file, as far as I can tell...

<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";>
   <Product Id='817ED352-A249-3288-AFD8-E5BCE106DD5D'
        Manufacturer="Vanilla Perl Project"
        Name="Blueberry Perl"
        Version="5.10.5" >

     <Package Description='Perl for Win32 operating systems.' Id='*'
       Comments='Debug Build.'
       InstallScope='perMachine' Platform='x86'
       InstallerVersion='200' Compressed='yes' InstallPrivileges='elevated' />
     <Property Id='MsiLogging'>voIcewarmupx!</Property>


     <Property Id="INSTALLDIR">C:\blueberry</Property>

     <Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'>
       <Directory Id='INSTALLDIR'>
         <Directory Id='D_Perl' Name='perl'>
           <Directory Id='D_38F7F36E_C5DC_36DA_897C_C13F6A817F9F' Name='bin' />

       <Directory Id='ProgramMenuFolder'>
         <Directory Id='D_App_Menu' Name='Blueberry Perl' />

     <Feature Id='Complete' Title='Blueberry Perl Beta 1' 
Description='The complete package.' Level='1'>
       <ComponentRef Id='C_S_CPAN_Client' />



Package/@InstallScope='perMachine' should turn on ALLUSERS=1 and therefore, 
avoid those particular 2 ICE's, correct?  If not, why not? I'm puzzled.


Curtis Jewell (Perl-programming e-mail)
cur...@livejournal.com        http://curtis.livejournal.com/

Your random numbers are not that random

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in HTML mail]

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