Throndorin wrote:
> In one of the .wxs files is VS90_PROJECTTEMPLATES_DIR and some other macros
> used, and I'm sure the installer knows how to resolve this to a real path. 
> Is there a good way to get this path information?

 From WiX.chm:

    Using WixVSExtension Properties or Custom Actions

To use the WixVSExtension properties or custom actions in an MSI, use 
the following steps:

    * Add PropertyRef or CustomActionRef elements for items listed above
      that you want to use in your MSI.
    * Add the -ext <path to WixVSExtension.dll> command line parameter
      when calling light.exe to include the WixVSExtension in the MSI
      linking process.

For example:

<PropertyRef Id="VS2005_ROOT_FOLDER" />
<CustomActionRef Id="VS2005Setup" />

When you reference any of the above properties or custom actions, the 
WixVSExtension automatically schedules the custom actions and pulls in 
properties used in the custom action conditions and execution logic.


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