Resending.. Please reply as it is a blocking issue..

> I need to remove the “user.config” file which gets created for user level
> settings in my window app. This file is getting created under
> %localappdata%\Company Name\StrongKey\ProductVersion folder.
> I have written the following to delete this file:
>       <Property Id='FILEPATH'>
>         <DirectorySearch Id="CheckFileDir" Path="[LocalAppDataFolder]">
>           <DirectorySearch Id="VersionDir" Path="$(env.BUILDVERSION)"
> Depth="8"/>
>         </DirectorySearch>
>       </Property>
>         <Component Id="RemoveUserConfig"
> Guid="40FCFC8D-BFA8-43c8-91B2-A0EC40EE903E">
>           <RemoveFile Id="UserConfig" On="uninstall" Name="*.*"
> Property="FILEPATH"/>
>         </Component>
> The problem is that above code works fine on Windows XP & Server 2003. But
> when I run the same code on Vista/Server 2008, the above code doesn’t works.
> In the log file I get the following error:
> Action start 5:37:40: AppSearch.
> MSI (s) (54:D4) [05:37:40:981]: Note: 1: 1325 2: 1.0.2317.0
> MSI (s) (54:D4) [05:37:40:983]: Note: 1: 2363 2: 
> C:\Users\v-gtiwar\AppData\Local\Application
> Data\
> MSI (s) (54:D4) [05:37:40:983]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Error
> MSI (s) (54:D4) [05:37:40:983]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: Error 4: SELECT
> `Message` FROM `Error` WHERE `Error` = 2363
> DEBUG: Error 2363:  Could not enumerate subfolders for folder:
> C:\Users\v-gtiwar\AppData\Local\Application Data\
> I don't undersatnd why "Application Data" gets appended to the path in
> Vista.
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