
I think I found it myself :-)

The problem was:

I had two features. The first feature actually installs all the files and 
creates the shortcut.

In the second feature I did all the configuration stuff.

Now I added the component from the second feature to the other one, so that 
there is only one feature which does everything. And... it works now as it 

Question: Is it so, that only those components get repaired which are in the 
same feature as the advertised shortcut ?



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Weber Stefan (IT) [mailto:s.we...@noerr.com]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 11. März 2009 08:19
An: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Betreff: Re: [WiX-users] Self repair of files in user profile

Could anyone help me out with this ?


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Weber Stefan (IT) [mailto:s.we...@noerr.com]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. März 2009 13:02
An: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Betreff: [WiX-users] Self repair of files in user profile


iam playing around with the self repair function of windows installer, but cant 
get it word like I expect it to work ;-)

What I got so far is:

<File Id="_F_0001" Source="pfiles\notepad.exe" Vital="yes" KeyPath="yes">
  <Shortcut Id="_F_0001_S" Name="Notepad++" Directory="DesktopFolder" 
Advertise="yes" WorkingDirectory="INSTALLDIR" Description="Startet Notepad++" />

I added an advertised Shortcut.

<DirectoryRef Id="NotepadAppData" DiskId="2">
  <Component Id="_C_F_1001" Guid="9bccf92a-c69e-42fa-80f8-0e8a8ace2099">
   <RegistryValue Action="write" Root="HKCU" 
Key="Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]" Name="Config" Value="1" 
Type="integer" KeyPath="yes" />
   <File Id="config.xml" Source="appdata\config.xml" />
   <RemoveFolder Id="DeleteNotepadAppData" On="uninstall"/>

A component which installs a file config xml to %appdata%\Notepad++ along with 
a registry key as key path (ICE91)

<ComponentGroup Id="_CG_M_1001">
 <ComponentRef Id="_C_F_1001"/>

A component group with a reference to above component

<Feature Id="UserSettings" Title="Configure User" Level="1">
  <ComponentGroupRef Id="_CG_M_1001"/>

And a feature which should handle the Usersettings. The complete code is much 
longer it installs notepad++ along with a per-user configuration. The 
installation and configuration runs very well, but only for the user who 
installs it.

How can I tell windows installer to execute the UserSettings Feature (or repair 
the component if the registry value is missing) when a user clicks on the 
Advertised shortcut ?

Thank you in advance,


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