In my installer, I want to use a ListView to display the list of older
products of our company that must be uninstalled first.
To do so, I would like to fill the ListView table in a custom action
written with DTF and scheduled after AppSearch in InstallUISequence.
Here the code I have written in the custom action :
> string str = String.Format("INSERT INTO `ListView` (`Property`,
`Order`, `Value`, `Text`, `Binary_`) 
                              VALUES ('{0}', {1}, '{2}', '{3}',
                             "MyProperty", 1, "Item1", "Product version
x.x", "WixUI_Ico_Exclam");
> view = session.Database.OpenView(str);
> view.Execute();

It fails on the last line (view.Execute()) with the following exception
> Database:  Table(s) Update failed

The error is quite "logical" considered the Database is open read-only.
But I can't figure out how to have the Database open in read/write mode.

I didn't find relevant information except the following thread:
where the user doesn't report this problem. (Not sure it was in a CA)

Is there a way to fill the ListView from a CustomAction or should I
proceed differently ?

Thanks for your answers

Olivier Cochelin

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