
I've just noticed an unexpected behaviour while using a WixVariable in 
f...@source attribute. For example:

<WixVariable Id="AppName" Value="TestApp"/>
<File Source="SourceDir\!(wix.AppName).exe"/>

The doc states, that if I don't specify Name or Id, WiX will generate 
them for me. When I looked into the generated MSI with Orca it appeared 
that the generated Id for the file is "__wix_AppName__exe". It looks 
like the variable didn't get resolved while generating f...@id and then 
it was "canonicalized" or it was "canonicalized" while generating Id and 
therefore it couldn't be resolved.

Another thing that striked me is that the ShortName part of FileName 
column is different when I use WixVariable. The LongName part looks ok.

When I tried to do something like this:

<File Source="SourceDir\!(wix.AppName).exe" Id="!(wix.AppName).exe" />

I got this error:

  error CNDL0014 : The File/@Id attribute's value, '!(wix.AppName).exe', 
is not a legal identifier.  Identifiers may contain ASCII characters 
A-Z, a-z, digits, underscores (_), or periods (.).  Every identifier 
must begin with either a letter or an underscore.

Is it a bug in WiX or maybe I just want the moon on a stick.


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