Hi All,

i am stumbling around with my first Wix Project using variables.
Could someone explain when i had to use $(var.xyz) and !(loc.abc)?

Why i couldn't write things like that in my Directory Attribute?
<Directory Id="unique 
<ende?lp=ende&p=thMx..&search=unique>_id$(var.abc)" Name="$(var.abc)">
Error: Undefined preprocessor variable '$(var.abc)'.

<Directory Id="unique 
<ende?lp=ende&p=thMx..&search=unique>_id!(loc.abc)" Name="!(loc.abc)">
Error: The Directory/@Id attribute's value, 'unique_id!(loc.abc)', is 
not a legal identifier. 

Why i couldn't write $(var.name) in my Source Attribute,
<File Id="_id" Name="FileName.dll" 
Source="$(var.name)\WPF.Controls\WPF.Controls.dll" />
but !(loc.name) works?
<File Id="_id" Name="FileName.dll" 
Source="!(loc.name)\WPF.Controls\WPF.Controls.dll" />

All "var"s are defined in a include.wxi  not in a .wixproj file
All "loc" are defined in WixLocalization file.

Wix Version 3.0.5120.0 <3.0.5120.0/>

Best regards


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