msiexec.exe always returns immediately. Pass the same command to "start
/wait" like so and the command will not return until msiexec.exe completes
(and it's always a good idea to love, especially when diagnosing issues):

start /wait msiexec.exe /i product.msi /qn /l*vx install.log

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 6:59 PM, He Shiming <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I built a setup package with customized WixUI . I'm using a custom version
> of WixUI_InstallDir mode. And I added a few custom actions including:
> launch app after setup (WixShellExec),
> execute a command after installfinalize (<CustomAction ExeCommand=...),
> remember program installation folder (<Property><RegistrySearch.....
> <RegistryValue....).
> And the setup package is now running as expected.
> My problem is how do I convert such a package so that it allows both "Full
> UI" install (double clicking the .msi) and "No UI" install (msiexec /i
> setup.msi /qn) . Because when I type this command at console, it does
> nothing. What do I do to convert this package to allow "No UI" install, and
> how do I provide answers such as installation folder (provide a default one
> if it's a new install, or get from registry if upgrading)?
> Many thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
> He Shiming
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Heath Stewart
Deployment Technologies Team, Microsoft
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