Can someone help me determine if this is a bug or not?  I have a .wxs that I 
authored, and when I link the .wixobj with light.exe, it emits a warning when I 
have my Compressed attribute on the Package element set to "no".  If I set it 
to "yes" (only thing I'm changing), it goes away.  Here's the warning:

C:\Field Engineering\Customers\FE\Utils 
Trunk\WIX\Common\SkinsStandardImport.wxs(28) : warning LGHT1079 : The cabinet 'F' does not contain any files.  If this installation contains no 
files, this warning can likely be safely ignor
ed.  Otherwise, please add files to the cabinet or remove it.

I'm not skilled enough with Orca yet to be able to look and see if it's lying 
to me or not.  SkinsStandardImport.wxs is a file I include via the 
preprocessor.  It contains my Upgrade and Media tags.

Here is my .wxs, and how I build, if interested.  I'm using WiX wix3.0.4805.0.

candle.exe OMISkinsInstall.wxs
light.exe OMISkinsInstall.wixobj -out OMISkinsInstall.msi -ext "C:\Program 
Files\Windows Installer XML v3\bin\WixUIExtension.dll"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Include xmlns="";>  
  <Upgrade Id="$(var.UpgradeCode)" />
  <Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes" />

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!-- Preprocessor variables -->
  <!-- (These respond to $(var.VariableName) so you don't have to change things 
in several places.) -->
  <!-- "3" for 3.x installs, "4" for 4.x, etc. -->
  <?define PlatformMajorDigit = 3 ?>
  <?define ProductName = OMI FE Skins ?>
  <!-- Note: The 4th digit in our version numbers is ignored by the MSI. -->
  <?define ProductVer = ?>
  <?define ProductID = 32D572CE-DEE2-4CD9-B49F-D72F86D2F1DA ?>
  <?define UpgradeCode = 2770BE11-D110-4BE3-B349-9BAEB8C9B57C ?>

  <Product Id="$(var.ProductID)"
           Name="$(var.ProductName)" Language="1033"
           Version="$(var.ProductVer)" Manufacturer="Duck Creek Technologies">

    <Package Id="*"
               InstallerVersion="400" Compressed="no" />
    <?include ..\Common\SkinsStandardImport.wxs?>
    <Property Id="WIXUI_INSTALLDIR" Value="INSTALLDIR"/>
    <UIRef Id="WixUI_InstallDir" />
      <RemoveExistingProducts After="InstallInitialize" />
    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
      <Directory Id="INSTALLDIR">
        <Directory Id="ExpressFolder" Name="Express">
          <Directory Id="SkinsFolder" Name="Skins">
            <Directory Id="OMISkinsFolder" Name="OMI">
              <Directory Id="OMISkinsXslFolder" Name="xsl">
                <Component Id="OMISkinsXslFolderComponent" 
                  <File Id="PolicyXsl" Name="policy.xsl" DiskId="1" 
Source="BuildOutput\OMI\xsl\policy.xsl" />

    <Feature Id="OMISkins" Title="OMI skins for Express" Level="1">
      <ComponentRef Id="OMISkinsXslFolderComponent" />

Jeff Reed | Field Engineering | Duck Creek Technologies |

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