What you did is recommended for removing non-keypath files. Please post your
entire verbose patch installation log.

On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 2:37 AM, luciana istoc <istoc_luci...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I am building a patch (with the "torch","pyro" method and a separate wxs
> file that describes "Patch" and "PatchFamily" elements) for removing some
> files from the installation folder and some additional modifications in the
> existing files. Therefore, I have to use the element RemoveFile. Until now I
> have experienced the next two possibilities:
> 1. I add the RemoveFile line in the component below the line describing the
> file I want to remove (see below an illustration):
>           <Component Id="Comp_1"
> Guid="884C0AD3-4249-41d5-A722-60007DC9402B">
>             <File Id="file_1.txt" Name="file_1.txt" KeyPath="yes"/>
>             <File Id="file_2.txt" Name="file_2.txt"/>
>             <RemoveFile Id="rem_file_2.txt" Name="file_2.txt" On="both"/>
>           </Component>
> In this case everything seems to work ok, the wix project solution build is
> successful, and the installation also (I checked the log file to see what
> files were removed and what files were reinstalled).
> 2. I add the RemoveFile line and I comment the line describing the file I
> want to be removed (see below an illustration):
>           <Component Id="Comp_1"
> Guid="884C0AD3-4249-41d5-A722-60007DC9402B">
>             <File Id="file_1.txt" Name="file_1.txt" KeyPath="yes"/>
>             <!--<File Id="file_2.txt" Name="file_2.txt"/>-->
>             <RemoveFile Id="rem_file_2.txt" Name="file_2.txt" On="both"/>
>           </Component>
>  In this case the effect is undesired and unacceptable:
>    -at project build I get some warnings from which I deduce that the
> compiler considers that some files were modified (and therefore will
> reinstall them with the patch), although these files are exactly the same as
> in the baseline version!
>   -after the patch installation I check the log file and I see that files
> that weren't modified at all (compared to the baseline version) were
> reinstalled. More, if some of these files have been modified by previous
> patches (patches made to the same baseline version as the current patch, but
> with a sequence number smaller than the current patch), these modifications
> are lost, because the files are brought back to the baseline version.
> Could anybody tell me, please, why do I get this behavior in the second
> scenario? Or maybe is it not allowed to author a RemoveFile element in such
> a manner? Also, it would be  very useful for me to get a confirmation that
> the first scenario is correct.
> Thanks,
> Luciana
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