Hi Team,

I am using latest Release Wix 3.0  .
During Uninstall of  Web application installer Website name is not
Remove on IIS.

I tried to save the Website name to store environment variable ,
during installing I am able to save this value but I cannot able to
get the during uninstalling.

<CustomAction Id="RemoveWebSite" Script="vbscript" Execute="deferred">


      On error resume next

      Dim WshShl, Shell, UserVar, strCmd

'Set objects
Set WshShl = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set Shell = WshShl.Environment("System")

'Read variable
UserVar = Shell("SERVICENAME")
msgbox UserVar
'Session.Property("SERVICENAME") = UserVar
msgbox Session.Property("SERVICENAME")
'Cleanup Objects
Set WshShl = Nothing
Set Shell = Nothing

'Exit Script



On the above script I am not getting the value of SERVICENAME env
variable value.


Sunil Bisoyi

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