That's my understanding for what is happening as well. Two follow-up

1. Who should I ask about what I can do to suppress the "app compat
goo"? I realize this isn't directly a WiX--or perhaps even
MSI--question, but I wanted to start here in case I'm going about it all

2. What are your thoughts about my VersionNT64 conditions? Is this a
reasonable thing to do? Or am I committing some kind of newbie faux pas?


-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Mensching [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 9:08 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Enforcing x86-only and x64-only installs

I think that is a Windows Installer message coming up first and then the

app compat goo kicking in saying, "Ooo, ooo, your install failed would 
you like to try again with magic pixie dust and maybe it'll work this 
time?" even though it won't. <smile/> That's my best guess.

Quinton Tormanen wrote:
> Our application includes a USB driver in its install through DIFxApp.
> now have two installers, one for x86 and one for x64. I understand
> to be a requirement when using difxap. Since the install will fail if
> running the x86 on x64 or vice versa, I thought it would be
> to use the <Condition> element to enforce this up front. Therefore, I
> include the following in my WXS file:
> <?if $(var.Platform) = x64 ?>
>     <Condition Message="This install package only supports 64-bit
> operating systems."><![CDATA[VersionNT64]]></Condition>
> <?else ?>
>     <Condition Message="This install package only supports 32-bit
> operating systems."><![CDATA[NOT VersionNT64]]></Condition>
> <?endif ?>
> Notice that the x64 Condition seems unnecessary since the <Package
> Platform="x64"> will cause MSIEXEC to reject it before checking my
> conditions.
> Here is my problem: when I run my 32-bit installer (using the
> on 64-bit Windows 7, and I get the expected error saying "This install
> package only supports 32-bit operating systems," and click OK, I get
> Program Compatibility Warning saying that the installation may not
> completed properly and offers to set some options to make it work.
> anyone know what I am doing wrong such that Windows 7 doesn't trust me
> when I failed the install intentionally (because it wouldn't have
> using the x86 difxapp DLLs embedded in that version of the installer?
> Notice that I distribute my MSI file embedded in a bootstrap built
> IEXPRESS.EXE, which runs "MSIEXEC /i rmctools.msi /lv
> This bootstrap utility also has a manifest embedded using MT.exe that
> sets the requested privilege level to "asInvoker". My understanding
> that this turned off Windows' program compatibility engine.
> I also welcome any other comments on the way I'm going about this.
> Thank you.
> Quinton Tormanen
> Software Engineer
> Delta Computer Systems, Inc.
> <>
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