I guess the issue here is the expectation that the MSI property called 
ProductVersion should behave the same was as an individual version in a file 
resource?  Even though they're used for different purposes?  I feel a Raymond 
Chen moment coming on..... MIDL version is just 2 digits (and therefore so are 
type library versions), HTTP header "version" is 18 characters, assembly 
versions don't behave like file versions in the GAC and so on. I'm just making 
the point here that the term "version" is completely overloaded, and anything 
that might be afflicted with that label is never going to be consistent with 
the meanings of all the others.  

Phil Wilson 

-----Original Message-----
From: Blair [mailto:os...@live.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 1:33 PM
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Setup upgrade needs to care for 4th part of 

It's worse than that:

The FileVersion (and ProductVersion) values in the Win32 Version resource
type (the 4-part one you refer to) allows 16-bit unsigned values in each of
the four parts. The Windows Installer version allows 8-bit unsigned values
in the first two parts and 16-bit unsigned values in the last two (although
the fourth is ignored). The reason is that the Win32 version internally is a
64-bit number, while the MSI version internally is a 32-bit number. Visual
Studio "protects" you by not allowing the fourth part (and further
constraining the remaining three) in the Setup projects (so you don't have
false expectations nor can you create an "illegal" version).

I don't know the reason. MSI uses the Win32 structure (all 64-bits) when
examining files comparing them to the rows in the File table, but it stores
just 32-bits for the ProductVersion values it uses to compare MSI files. It
may have something to do with the MSI 1.0 method of "registering" products
(registry DWORDs) that was kept due to back-compat considerations.

However, if you generate patches (MSP) you can use the Win32 notion of a
version (4 16-bit numbers, or 64-bits) to order (and override) the version
numbers (in other words, the same as the build-number system you use to
generate the files' version resources). So, they "upgraded" where they
could, while not where they couldn't without breaking things (you can always
load an MSI intended for MSI 5.0 using MSI 1.0 and it "has to understand"
what it is reading, even if it will reject it because you sent the minimum
MSI you support to a higher number).


-----Original Message-----
From: Kim Gybels [mailto:kim.gyb...@metris.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 2:34 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Setup upgrade needs to care for 4th part of

> " We also ran into this problem. It is just stupid that visual studio
projects use 4 part version numbers and MSI only supports 3."
> Visual Studio doesn't.  We're talking in the context of major upgrades and
the ProductVersion property. In Visual Studio that's the Version property of
the Setup Project. If you put 4 digits in there, its build fails, saying
"Must be of format ##.##.###".   I suspect VS does this to ensure that you
can't go ahead and build an upgrade that won't work because, after all,
Visual Studio is building an MSI file!
I was talking about the version numbers you can use in the resource
files for executables that you create with Visual C++.
The version number there has 4 parts...

So that is two products made by Microsoft. One saying: look feel free to
use 4 version numbers, the other one being
the brick wall you run into when trying to create an installer :)

- Kim


*Kim Gybels
Software Developer
* kim.gyb...@metris.com <mailto:kim.gyb...@metris.com>
Tel: +32 16 74 01 01
Fax: +32 16 74 01 02

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