Hi Libin,

Create a property and add a <FileSearch> to find out if Mono is installed
already. Then change the condition of the InstallMono action to run only
when that property is not set (ie. Mono was not found on the system).
You may want to do the same with the GTK action to avoid reinstallation of
GTK# as well.

Best regards,
Sebastian Brand

Instyler Setup - Creating WiX-based MSI installations, elegantly.

-----Original Message-----
From: libin [mailto:libin.moha...@wipro.com] 
Sent: July 16, 2009 8:35
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Help needed on suppressing unwanted message

Hi all,
I am using WIX for installing a windows application created using GTK#. We
are using mono to run the application.
In the installer package we are shipping both GTK# and mono. The installer
is working perfectly when both mono and GTK# is not installed in the system.
The issue is when mono is installed and unwanted message is coming up
showing "mono seems to be installed please uninstall and try again"
actually this is not causing any problem in successful installation but I
want to suppress this message.
code snippet:
inside component tag:
<File Id="MONOSETUP" Source="../Pre-Requisites/To

Checksum="yes" Hidden="yes"/>

<File Id="GTKSETUP" Source="../Pre-Requisites/To

Checksum="yes" Hidden="yes"/>

Custom action for installation:

<!-- Install Mono and Gtk#-->

<CustomAction Id="InstallMono" FileKey="MONOSETUP" ExeCommand="/silent"
Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no"


<CustomAction Id="InstallGtk" FileKey="GTKSETUP" ExeCommand="/silent"
Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no"



<Custom Action="InstallMono" Before="InstallFinalize">



<Custom Action="InstallGtk" Before="InstallFinalize">




Please help me to find out what went wrong here

Many thanks






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