Hi, all~    I ran into this weird problem as follows:
    I'm using WiX3.0 to build an installation package which will install
several windows services, but I can't start the service correctly, every
time I got the message: "Service 'PublishService' failed to start. Verify
that you have sufficient privileges to start system services." And my wix
code is as follows:
    *<DirectoryRef Id="PUBLISHSERVICE">*
*      <Component Id="PublishServiceComponent"
*        <File Id="PublishService.exe" Name="PublishService.exe"
Source="PublishService.exe" DiskId="1" KeyPath="yes" />*
*        ……//and other files needed by the PublishService.exe*
*        <ServiceInstall Id="InstallPublishService" Type="ownProcess"
Vital="yes" Name="PublishService" Description="PublishService" Start="auto"
Account="NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService" ErrorControl="ignore"
*        </ServiceInstall>*
*        <ServiceControl Id="PublishServiceControl" Name="PublishService"
Start="install" Stop="both" Remove="uninstall" Wait="yes" />*
*      </Component>*
*    </DirectoryRef>*
    By the way, in order to exclude the possibility that the failure is
caused by the PublishService.exe itself, I used the Visual Studio 2008
Command Prompt to run the command "InstallUtil /u PublishService.exe", and I
succeeded this way.
    Do you guys have any ideas where I'm going wrong? Thanks in advance~
    Best wishes,
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