
I encountered a problem when installing a patch built based on "Using Patch 
Creation Properties
". My patchwiz.dll is ver 4.5.6001.22192.

The uncompressed images are located at two folders, base\ and upgrade\. There 
are new files added to the upgrade image. The base is installed first, then the 
patch. An error dialog is displayed complaining that "Error reading file: 
c:\work\...\base\...\org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs. Verify that the file exists 
and that you can access it". The patch is trying to read the new file 
"org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs" added to the upgrade image from the base location. 
Of course, the base location does not have the new file.

My wxs file for patch is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";>
    <PatchCreation  Id="Patch_GUID" CleanWorkingFolder="yes" 
WholeFilesOnly="yes" >

            Description="D5 Patch 1" Comments="D5 Patch 1" ShortNames="no"
            Languages="1033" Compressed="yes" Manufacturer="KKK Ltd"/>

            AllowRemoval="no" Description="D5 Patch 1"  ManufacturerName="KKK 
            TargetProductName="D5" MoreInfoURL="http://www.kkk.com/";
            Classification="Update" DisplayName="D5 Patch 1"/>

        <Family DiskId="5000"
            MediaSrcProp="Sample" Name="Sample" SequenceStart="50000">
            <UpgradeImage SourceFile="C:/work/base/decompressed/D5.msi" 
                <TargetImage SourceFile="C:/work/upgrade/decompressed/D5.msi"  
                     Id="D5Base" IgnoreMissingFiles="no" />
        <PatchSequence PatchFamily="D5PatchFamily"
            Sequence="" Supersede="yes" />
        <TargetProductCode Id="product_guid"/>

Could you please help? Why patch installation reads new files from wrong base 

Thanks, Shibo

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