Hello Bob!

done: Bug Id: 2860637

Thank you for your quick reply! I created a minimal file that
reproduces the problem and attached it to the bug.

For everyone who is interested:

<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<Wix xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi'>
        <Product Id='*' Name='BugDemo' Language='1033' Version=''

                <Package Id="*" Description="Cool ACME Product" Comments="Cool 
ACME Product"
                        Manufacturer="ACME" InstallerVersion="200"
                        InstallPrivileges='elevated' InstallScope='perMachine' 

                <Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'>
                        <Directory Id='ProgramFilesFolder' Name='PFiles'>
                                <Directory Id="ManufacturerDir" Name="ACME">
                                        <Directory Id='INSTALLDIR' 

                                                <Component Id="SomeComponent" 
Root="HKLM" Key="Software\ACME" Action="create">
Name="ConstantA" Value="ConstantB"
Type="string" KeyPath="yes"/>
Name="[INSTALLDIR]ConstantC" Value="ConstantD"
Type="string" />


                <Feature Id="TheProduct" Title='ACMEProduct' Level='1'>
                        <ComponentRef Id='SomeComponent' />


On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 11:52, Bob Arnson <b...@joyofsetup.com> wrote:
> Dirk Ziegelmeier wrote:
>> The line causing the error is "<RegistryValue
>> Name="[MergeRedirectFolder]ConstantNameB"..." so the problem seems to
>> be the property substitution in there.
>> *** But this RegistryValue is NOT the KeyPath of the component! ***
> Please file a bug at SourceForge.
> --
> sig://boB
> http://joyofsetup.com/
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