I think you're all missing the point here.

The issue is not where he installs his files to, his problem is writing to the 

Nate putting all your x86 & x64 DLL's in the same directory is fine. You can do 
this in both a x86 MSI and a x64 MSI. They can both install to the same path 
under "Program Files (x86)" if you so wish. You do not have to separate your 
x64 & x86 DLL's regardless of what people have been saying unless your 
application requires you to.

What you cannot do is access the 64-bit areas of the registry from an x86 MSI 
(your x86 MSI will always be redirected to the Wow6432Node area). You can 
however access both the 32-bit and 64-bit areas of the registry from an x64 MSI 
but you can only install it on an x64 O/S. Hence if you want x86 O/S users to 
be able to install your application, you need to make an x86 MSI for them while 
the x64 O/S users use the x64 MSI.

If you want to make changes to the 64-bit areas of the registry, author an x64 
MSI. If you don't need to, stick with using a "one-size fits all" x86 MSI.

Palbinder Sandher 
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-----Original Message-----
From: Blair [mailto:os...@live.com] 
Sent: 23 September 2009 02:43
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Installing 64-bit shell extension with a 32-bit app

That is an excellent idea. To extend it to a logical conclusion:

All of the app (except for the shell extensions) goes under 
ProgramFilesFolder\"Company"\"Product" (and this is the directory that the user 
can change)

The 32-bit shell extension always goes under CommonFilesFolder\"Company", and 
the 64-bit extension always goes under CommonFiles64Folder\"Company".

You can use the $(sys.PLATFORM) value to exclude the 64-bit component from 
being compiled into your 32-bit MSI and you will be able to use the exact same 
sources for both the 32-bit and the 64-bit MSIs.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sascha Beaumont [mailto:sascha.beaum...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 6:09 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Installing 64-bit shell extension with a 32-bit app

The way I've attacked this scenario is with two separate packages and a little 
bit of file duplication on the x64 system to prevent having to completely 
rework the application. No problems with the ICE tests either :)

32-bit system
  - everything gets installed to Program Files\ACME

64-bit system
 - 32-bit components get installed to Program Files (x86)\ACME
 - 64-bit components get installed to Program Files\Common Files\ACME
 - some files are duplicated between both the x64 and x86 locations to keep 
things simple, components marked as appropriate for the destination location.

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Blair <os...@live.com> wrote:
> Heath has a really good blog post about what happens if you work with
> components in a 32-bit MSI package. The major limitation is that you 
> can't use a 64-bit directory since a Windows Installer supplied 
> directory reflection will always kick in on a 32-bit MSI. I found that 
> reading it about 5 times over several weeks leads to a better 
> understanding of what
> discovered vs. just one read-through.
> ICE80 is designed to make sure you don't build a 32-bit MSI that 
> accesses 64-bit regions of the OS (since your 32-bit app can't 
> normally reach
> Have you run your Wise-generated MSI through either smoke or Orca's 
> validation? You will see the ICE80 error there if wise is generating a 
> 32-bit marked MSI. Just because Wise lets you doesn't mean it builds 
> "clean".
> You will need both 32-bit and 64-bit extensions installed on 64-bit 
> Oss,
> support 32-bit applications.
> The "correct" way is to build a 64-bit MSI for 64-bit OSs where all of
> components except for the 64-bit extension are 32-bit components, AND
> you place the 64-bit file in a 64-bit directory "by default". That 
> doesn't mean you don't allow the user to change the installation 
> locations, it
> means you have two installation locations (one for the 32-bit code and 
> one for the 64-bit code). You could force the 64-bit location to the 
> user's expressed preference IF the user changed it via a custom action.
> For just one component that writes one file and one registry key, that 
> may seem a bit much, however. Heath noted that a 64-bit component in a 
> 32-bit MSI will do two things: 1) the directory will be changed to the 
> matching 32-bit directory, and 2) the registry won't be changed (you 
> get the 64-bit registry). But, you will always get ICE80 issues when 
> you do that, since
> 32-bit directory isn't "supposed to" contain 64-bit code.
> One option is to build the 32-bit MSI with the 64-bit component. You 
> absolutely must add a "VersionNT64" condition on your 64-bit component 
> "GSIShell64" (there will never be any use of the 64-bit extension on a 
> 32-bit OS) and you will need to suppress the ICE80 during light and 
> ensure that you don't have any additional ICE80 errors or warnings in 
> subsequent builds by regularly running smoke (or Orca) on your MSI and 
> checking the results. It isn't "kosher" but it will work.
> I generally don't advocate this type of solution, but I also don't 
> view
> the ICE tests as written as always entirely practical either. You may 
> not
> able to get/retain a Logo doing this, since that requires a generally
> ICE validation, so that should be weighed into your calculations.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nate Hekman [mailto:hek...@geo-slope.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 9:14 AM
> To: WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [WiX-users] Installing 64-bit shell extension with a 32-bit 
> app
> I have a 32-bit application that include a 32-bit shell extension dll 
> that handles thumbnails and a few other shell extensions.  I want to 
> add a 64-bit version of that same dll to the mix to get the same 
> thumbnails et al working in 64-bit Windows Explorer.
> Can someone tell me (or point me to documentation) what the proper way 
> is to do this?
> Here's what I've been using for the 32-bit dll.  The RegistryValue 
> line with [BINDIR] in the Value is the line that causes me trouble 
> when I get to 64-bit.
>    <DirectoryRef Id="BINDIR">
>      <Component Id="GSIShell"
> Guid="2EAEEF9B-7385-4d12-811C-68E26FB5E66D">
>        <File Id="GSIShellDLL" Source="$(var.TargetDir)GSI.Shell.dll"
> KeyPath="yes" Checksum="yes"/>
>        <RegistryKey Root="HKCR"
> Key="CLSID\{5D1A01C2-BD6D-45c7-BC8E-C419E2F08B70}"
> Action="createAndRemoveOnUninstall">
>          <RegistryValue Type="string" Value="GszIconShlExt Class"/>
>          <RegistryKey Key="InprocServer32"
> Action="createAndRemoveOnUninstall">
>            <RegistryValue Type="string"
> Value="[BINDIR]\gsi.shell.dll"/>
>            <RegistryValue Type="string" Name="ThreadingModel"
> Value="Apartment"/>
>          </RegistryKey>
>        </RegistryKey>
>      </Component>
>    </DirectoryRef>
> [BINDIR] is defined earlier in the .wxs file as:
>      <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
>        <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
>          <Directory Id="COMPANYDIR" Name="MyCompany">
>          <Directory Id="SOFTWAREDIR" Name="MyApplication">
>            <Directory Id="BINDIR" Name="Bin"/>
>          </Directory>
>        </Directory>
>      </Directory>
> So on a 64-bit OS that installs the GSI.Shell.dll file into C:\Program 
> Files (x86)\MyCompany\MyApplication\Bin, and the Registry key 
> HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{5D1A01C2-BD6D-45c7-BC8E-C419E2F08B70}\InprocSe
> rv
> er32's value is "C:\Program Files
> (x86)\MyCompany\MyApplication\Bin\gsi.shell.dll".
> Then I add the 64-bit dll similarly.  The file needs to be placed in 
> the same bin folder as the 32-bit version, but I want to be editing 
> the 64-bit portion of the Registry, so I add Win64="yes" to the Component.
>    <DirectoryRef Id="BINDIR">
>      <Component Id="GSIShell64"
> Guid="2EAEEF9B-7385-4d12-811C-68E26FB5E66D" Win64="yes">
>        <File Id="GSIShell64DLL"
> Source="$(var.TargetDir)GSI.Shell64.dll" KeyPath="yes" 
> Checksum="yes"/>
>        <RegistryKey Root="HKCR"
> Key="CLSID\{5D1A01C2-BD6D-45c7-BC8E-C419E2F08B70}"
> Action="createAndRemoveOnUninstall">
>          <RegistryValue Type="string" Value="GszIconShlExt64 Class"/>
>          <RegistryKey Key="InprocServer32"
> Action="createAndRemoveOnUninstall">
>            <RegistryValue Type="string"
> Value="[BINDIR]\gsi.shell64.dll"/>
>            <RegistryValue Type="string" Name="ThreadingModel"
> Value="Apartment"/>
>          </RegistryKey>
>        </RegistryKey>
>      </Component>
>    </DirectoryRef>
> This gives me an error on the RegistryValue line with [BINDIR] in the
> Value:
> Error LGHT0204: ICE80: This 64BitCompnent GSIShell64 uses 
> 32BitDirectory BINDIR.
> I've done a lot of googling and most responses are "you shouldn't be 
> installing 64-bit dlls with a 32-bit app".  But that's absolutely not 
> true, as these dlls are used by the shell, not by my application.  
> There must be other people with this same problem.  What's the solution?
> Thanks for any help!
> Nate

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