I'm (still) trying to install a SnapIn using WiX and PSExtension. I'm 
(still) getting the same error, however, which doesn't make any sense to 
me, and I believe it's a bug in PSExtension. Here's the relevant 
component in my .wxs file:

<Component Id="nmps_dll" Guid="1c48d3b5-64ab-4f0c-9ce6-c4eb6f3232e9">
        <File Id="pstools.dll" Source="$(var.pstools.TargetDir)" KeyPath="yes" 
Assembly=".net" AssemblyApplication="pstools.dll">
                <ps:SnapIn Id="pstools" Description="Management Tools" 
Vendor="mycompany" />

And when I try to build the installer, I get this error:

Unresolved bind-time variable !(bind.assemblyName.pstools.dll), 

If I leave the <ps:SnapIn> tag out, it builds fine (but doesn't register 
the snapin, of course), and if I leave the AssemblyApplication attribute 
out, I get an error about strong names (which is expected, it's not 
strong-named, but I don't want it to go in the GAC).

Please, can anyone help me out?


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