I'm developing multiple merge modules that share some data files in
common. I want to have the data files defined in a Fragment that each
merge module uses. For some reason, the files in my fragment doesn't
install, even though it builds with no error. If I add the fragment to
the main installer, it works like a charm. Is there something I have to
do differently to get fragments to work with merge modules?
Here's the code snippet of my Fragment (there are really more files, but
this is an example):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";>
      <DirectoryRef Id="xml" >
        <Component Id='EOD.xmlxml' Guid='MY GUID HERE'>
          <File Id='EOD.xmlxml' Name='EOD.xml' Source='..\xml\EOD.xml'
Now, here's the snippet of my merge module:

<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";>
  <Module Id='MyMergeModule'  Language='1033' Version=''>
      <Package Id='[MY GUID HERE]' Description='My Module'
                Comments='My Module'
                Manufacturer='My Company' InstallerVersion='200' />
      <Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'>
         <Directory Id='MyModuleDirectory' Name='.'>

           <Directory Id='etc' Name='etc'>
             <Component Id='linehandler.properties' Guid='[MY GUID
               <File Id='linehandler.properties'
Source='..\etc\DotNet\linehandler.properties' />

           <Directory Id='xml' Name='xml'>
                   <Directory Id='templates' Name='templates'/>


Here's how I build:

    candle mymodule.wxs Templates.wxs
    light -out mymodule.msm mymodule.wixobj Templates.wixobj -loc

If I do the same thing to include them in my main installer, it works
I'm using WIX 3.0.

Bradford Younie
Senior Software Engineer
Chase Paymentech Solutions
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Fax: 603-896-813

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