Thanks for your reply, Richard.

Hmm, can you tell me how to use AppSearch to "locate folders"?

"Use type 19 CA to set properties" - I guess you mean I'll need a dll or exe to 
detect and set the property, right? If so, is it possible that I can "reuse" my 
existing setting upgrade program? I already have a small program to handle 
setting upgrade - it accepts parameters to run like this "upgrade_settings.exe 
-run param1 param2". Can I run it something like "upgrade_settings.exe -detect 
param1 param2" just for detection reason? How can I make sure this detection 
run is before the actual setting upgrade running? I've a feeling that, for one 
program, we'd better not to run it twice in one installer. Or, even I can write 
another program to do the detection work, but how can I sequence these two apps 
to make the detection one run first? Maybe I'm wrong, but I worry about the 
program sequencing. Currently, I have these code:
            <Binary Id="SettingUpgraderApp" SourceFile="upgrade_settings.exe"/>

            <CustomAction Id="DoSettingUpgrade"
                          ExeCommand='-run param1 param2'
Impersonate="no" />

                <Custom Action="DoSettingUpgrade" Before="InstallFinalize">NOT 

If, say, add the detection, can I do this?
            <CustomAction Id="SettingUpgradeDetection"
                          ExeCommand='-detect param1 param2'
Impersonate="no" />

                <Custom Action="SettingUpgradeDetection" 
Before="DoSettingUpgrade">NOT Installed and REALLY_NEED_UPGRADE_SETTING</Custom>

And the last question, "to use condition on events to determine dialogs shown 
in a wizard", is it some like this?
            <Publish Dialog="MyDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog" 
Value="MyInstallDirDlg" Order="1">NOT Installed and and 


From: Richard <>
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 6:52:11 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to detect files presence and conditionally show a 
new added dialog page

Use AppSearch to locate folders.

Use type 19 CA's (property set) to set properties based on conditions

Use conditions on events to determine dialogs shown in a wizard
sequence, or a condition on the dialog action in the UI sequence to
conditionally display dialogs.
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" -- DirectX 9 draft available for download

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