When I run this in an immediate CA in the InstallUISequence

        HRESULT hr = S_OK;
        MSIHANDLE hTable = NULL;
        MSIHANDLE hColumns = NULL;
        MSIDBERROR error;

        hr = WcaAddTempRecord(&hTable, &hColumns, L"ListBox", &error, 0, 
4, L"PROPERTYNAME", 1, L"0", L"Value");

I get an hr of E_HANDLE, error is not getting set, and GetLastError() 
returns 1008 (ERROR_NO_TOKEN). I've tried it in a few different places in 
the sequence, and get the same result.

 Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this?


David E. Battey
Senior Software Engineer
Phoenix Contact Inc.
(734) 205-5119
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