I'm in the process of migrating my app installation to wix. It's a .NET 2.0 app 
that currently uses installutil to add some custom performance counters and 
event log sources. Seeing as how I noticed that WixUtilExtension.dll supplies 
this functionality from the installer, I thought I'd give it a try instead.

I'm rubbing up against an issue, however. The installation completes just fine, 
but the moment my app attempts to modify a counter, it goes bang with the 
following exception:

System.InvalidOperationException: PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime.Process is 
not valid in the global shared memory.  If your performance counter category 
was created with an older version of the Framework, it uses the global shared 
memory.  Either use PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime.Global, or if 
applications running on older versions of the Framework do not need to write to 
your category, delete and recreate it.

If I believe that error, the way I've defined the counters in my wxs file 
installs them in the global shared memory (or uses the .NET 1.* approach to 
install them). Is there a way to tell it to do things the new way instead of 
the old or should I give up for now and just have some custom actions call 
installutil once the bits land on the box?

- Rich Daniel
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