In article <bay112-w17f0787cea4f94922e1829c7...@phx.gbl>,
    Uday Kumar <>  writes:

> In wix-msi how can I pass the values between two dialog boxes. I will
> select one item from combo box of first screen/dialog, based on the
> selection, secon d screen combo box should populate. How can i pass the
> values of screen one to second screen.

If your choices for the second combobox are fixed for each choice in
the first combobox, then I would create N comboboxes on the second
dialog, one for each of the N choices on the first dialog.  Have all
the comboboxes on the second dialog initially hidden and show the one
based on the choice on the first dialog.

That way you avoid having to write custom code to dynamically
populate the second combobox based on the choice made for the first
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