Yes, but why?  It used to work fine without it.  In addition to the EndDialog 
event I previously had 
a Custom Action that was launched when that button was clicked.  I removed the 
Custom Action and the 
problem started appearing.  There wasn't a Condition on the Control to begin 
with (although the 
custom action was conditioned).


Bob Arnson wrote:
> Rob Hamflett wrote:
>> ICE17        FAIL    ICE Internal Error 105. API Returned: 1615.
>> ICE17        FAIL    Error 2228: 
>> C:\DOCUME~1\Robert\LOCALS~1\Temp\ICEA37.tmp, ControlCondition, SELECT 
>> `Dialog_`,`Control_` FROM `ControlCondition` WHERE `Dialog_`=? AND 
>> `Control_`=? AND `Action`= 'Enable'
> 2228 is "Database: [2]. Unknown table '[3]' in SQL query: [4]." The ICE 
> is expecting a ControlCondition table.

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