Hi and thanks for reading this,
I have a Merge Module, developed with InstallShiled, which i include in
my WIX project. The merge module has a custom action that calls a
function from a certain C# library, included in the merge module, to add
some entries to the registry. The problem is that in the log i can see
the custom action being executed but i'm pretty sure that the function
is not called since nothing happens.
The log sais just that: 
    Action ended 18:02:11:
Run_CustomAction.DDD8E6B5_8ADA_481F_B19D_55E2FFFAE621. Return value 1.
and no other adition info.
I found no official info about how to use custom actions from within
merge module.
Here's a piece from my code:
<CustomAction Id="Run_CustomAction.DDD8E6B5_8ADA_481F_B19D_55E2FFFAE621"
Error="Merge Module Custom Action Failed" Return="check"/>


After="RegisterProduct" Overridable="no"/>


Where CustomAction is the name of the custom action and
DDD8E6B5_8ADA_481F_B19D_55E2FFFAE621 is the GUID of the merge module
that i'm using.
I really hope that someone could help me since i'm just beginning to
work with WIX.
Adrian Faciu
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