Resending this question since it appeared not to get through before Christmas, 
just after joining the list.

I am updating an installer for a product that provides multiple applications 
and want to change it so that it creates shortcuts only for applications that 
have a valid licence.

The basic approach is to define each shortcut in a separate component, to set a 
condition on the component based on the value of a property and to execute a 
custom action to set an appropriate value for the property based on the licence 
before the shortcuts are created.

If I set different values when defining the properties in the main product XML, 
I can see the correct shortcuts get created. However, any changes to properties 
made by the custom action have no effect.

Within the Product element
- define the applications for which we may wish to create shortcuts
    <?define shortcuts=manage;translate;LAMPS2?>

- define a property for each application
    <?foreach _cut in $(var.shortcuts)?>
      <Property Id="$(var._cut)" Value="0" />

- declare the custom action
    <CustomAction Id="CheckApplicationLicence"
                  VBScriptCall="CheckLicence" />
    <Binary Id="CheckLicence.vbs"
            SourceFile="$(var.goth_product_root)\config\CheckLicence.vbs" />

- arrange for it to be invoked on install
       <Custom Action="CheckApplicationLicence"
               After="InstallFiles">NOT (REMOVE = "ALL")

- create the desktop shortcuts
    <Property Id="INSTALL_DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS" Value="1"/>
    <DirectoryRef Id="TARGETDIR">
      <Directory Id="DesktopFolder">
        <?foreach _cut in $(var.shortcuts)?>
          <Component Id = "C_DesktopShortCut.$(var._cut)" Guid="*">
            INSTALL_DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS AND $(var._cut) = 1

          <?define _prefix="Desktop"?>
          <?include $(var._cut)_shortcut.wxi?>
          <?undef _prefix?>

          <RegistryValue Root="HKCU"

The custom action VBScript is:

Option Explicit

Function CheckLicence()
   On error resume next

   MsgBox("CheckLicence: " + Session.Property("LAMPS2"))
   Session.Property("LAMPS2") = "1"
   Session.Property("translate") = "1"
   MsgBox("CheckLicence: " + Session.Property("LAMPS2"))
End Function

I see both message boxes pop up, showing that the property has been modified.  
In the log file, it appears this has been executed before the shortcuts:

InstallFiles: File: Copying new files,  Directory: ,  Size:
Action ended 11:12:25: InstallFiles. Return value 1.
Action 11:12:25: CheckApplicationLicence.
Action start 11:12:25: CheckApplicationLicence.
Action ended 11:12:29: CheckApplicationLicence. Return value 1.
Action 11:12:29: CreateShortcuts. Creating shortcuts
Action start 11:12:29: CreateShortcuts.
CreateShortcuts: Shortcut: Creating shortcuts
Action ended 11:12:29: CreateShortcuts. Return value 1.
Action 11:12:29: WriteRegistryValues. Writing system registry values

If I start with all the properties having a value of 0 and set them to 1 in the 
custom action, no shortcuts are created.  If I start with a value of 1 and set 
them to 0 in the custom action, all the shortcuts are created.

I presume I have made some sort of simple mistake, but I can't see what it is.  
Help much appreciated.

I am using the final (July) release of WiX 3 on Windows XP SP2 32-bit.


David Allen,
Development Manager - Core,
Telephone: +44 (0)1223 420 414

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