Welcome to the club <smile/>.

-----Original Message-----
From: Harvey, John Ctr USAF Warfighter's Edge
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 9:35 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Why is my property deleted

NVM... I had a subtle error in my custom action. Apparently I need to
broadcast my stupidity before I can see it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Harvey, John Ctr USAF Warfighter's Edge
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 8:21 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Why is my property deleted

Sorry, I forgot to specify. The property is TIER1LIST. I separated out the
line that has the delete below.

-----Original Message-----
From: Harvey, John Ctr USAF Warfighter's Edge
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 8:12 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] Why is my property deleted

This one has me stumped.

I have a dialog. The dialog has a combo box. The list of the combo box is
populated in a custom action. When running the install, the list on the
combo box has nothing. When looking in the log, I can see where the list is
getting populated and also there is a line when creating the dialog that
says the property associated with the combo box is getting deleted. I can
not figure out why.

The setup is created using WiX 3.0.5419.0 and VS 2008. I am deploying to a
Win 2003 Server VM that also has SQL Server 2008 Express.

Here is the dialog: This has been hacked to bit while debugging.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Include xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";>
      <Dialog Id="dialogTier1Selection" X="50" Y="50" Width="375"
Height="287" Title="[ProductName] Select Tier 1">
            <Control Id="NextButton" Type="PushButton" X="300" Y="261"
Width="66" Height="18" Text="{\VSI_MS_Sans_Serif13.0_0_0}&amp;Next &gt;"
TabSkip="no" Default="yes">
                  <Publish Order="12" Event="NewDialog"
Value="[dialogTier1Selection_NextArgs]">PREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED="" AND
dialogTier1Selection_NextArgs&lt;&gt;"" AND TIER1FOUND="True"</Publish>
            <Control Id="Label1" Type="Text" X="18" Y="108" Width="348"
Height="12" Text="{\VSI_MS_Sans_Serif13.0_0_0}Tier 1 Server:" TabSkip="no"
            <Control Id="TIER1LIST" Type="ComboBox" X="18" Y="120"
Width="348" Height="18" Property="TIER1LIST" TabSkip="no" Sunken="yes"
                  <ComboBox Property="TIER1LIST">
                        <ListItem Text="Tier 1" Value="Tier 1"></ListItem>
                  <Publish Property="TIER1FOUND" Value="False"
Order="1">TIER1LIST="" OR TIER1LIST="Other"</Publish>
            <Control Id="CancelButton" Type="PushButton" X="156" Y="261"
Width="66" Height="18" Text="{\VSI_MS_Sans_Serif13.0_0_0}Cancel"
TabSkip="no" Cancel="yes">
                  <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="Cancel" />
            <Control Id="PreviousButton" Type="PushButton" X="228" Y="261"
Width="66" Height="18" Text="{\VSI_MS_Sans_Serif13.0_0_0}&lt; &amp;Back"
                  <Publish Event="NewDialog"
            <Control Id="BannerBmp" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="375"
Height="52" Text="DefBannerBitmap" TabSkip="no" Disabled="yes" />
            <Control Id="BannerText" Type="Text" X="9" Y="9" Width="306"
Height="33" Text="{\VSI_MS_Sans_Serif16.0_1_0}Tier 1" TabSkip="yes"
Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes" />
            <Control Id="BodyText" Type="Text" X="9" Y="63" Width="354"
Height="42" Text="{\VSI_MS_Sans_Serif13.0_0_0}Select the Tier 1 connection."
TabSkip="yes" NoPrefix="yes" />
            <Control Id="Control289" Type="Line" X="0" Y="252" Width="375"
Height="6" Text="{\VSI_MS_Sans_Serif13.0_0_0}MsiHorizontalLine"
TabSkip="yes" Disabled="yes" />
            <Control Id="Control294" Type="Line" X="0" Y="52" Width="375"
Height="6" Text="{\VSI_MS_Sans_Serif16.0_1_0}MsiHorizontalLine"
TabSkip="yes" Disabled="yes" />

Here is some of the log:
MSI (c) (78:DC) [16:03:40:666]: Doing action: Install.Sequence.FillTier1List
Action 16:03:40: Install.Sequence.FillTier1List.
Action start 16:03:40: Install.Sequence.FillTier1List.
MSI (c) (78:DC) [16:03:40:666]: Creating MSIHANDLE (40) of type 790542 for
thread 2012
MSI (c) (78:D0) [16:03:40:666]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL:
C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\MSI53D.tmp, Entrypoint: FillTier1List
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:40:713]: Creating MSIHANDLE (41) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:40:713]: Closing MSIHANDLE (41) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:40:838]: Creating MSIHANDLE (42) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:40:838]: Closing MSIHANDLE (42) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:40:979]: Creating MSIHANDLE (43) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:40:979]: Closing MSIHANDLE (43) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:010]: Creating MSIHANDLE (44) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:010]: Closing MSIHANDLE (44) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:010]: Creating MSIHANDLE (45) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:010]: Closing MSIHANDLE (45) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:010]: Creating MSIHANDLE (46) of type 790541 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:010]: Creating MSIHANDLE (47) of type 790540 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:010]: Creating MSIHANDLE (48) of type 790540 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:010]: Creating MSIHANDLE (49) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:010]: Closing MSIHANDLE (49) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:010]: Creating MSIHANDLE (50) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:026]: Creating MSIHANDLE (51) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:026]: Closing MSIHANDLE (51) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:026]: Creating MSIHANDLE (52) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:026]: Creating MSIHANDLE (53) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:026]: Closing MSIHANDLE (53) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:026]: Creating MSIHANDLE (54) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:026]: Creating MSIHANDLE (55) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:026]: Closing MSIHANDLE (55) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:026]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding TIER1LIST property.
Its value is 'EVAL'.
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:026]: Closing MSIHANDLE (48) of type 790540 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:026]: Creating MSIHANDLE (56) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:026]: Closing MSIHANDLE (56) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:026]: Closing MSIHANDLE (46) of type 790541 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:026]: Closing MSIHANDLE (50) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:026]: Closing MSIHANDLE (52) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:026]: Closing MSIHANDLE (47) of type 790540 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78!34) [16:03:41:026]: Closing MSIHANDLE (54) of type 790531 for
thread 3380
MSI (c) (78:D0) [16:03:41:213]: Closing MSIHANDLE (40) of type 790542 for
thread 2012
Action ended 16:03:41: Install.Sequence.FillTier1List. Return value 1.
Action 16:03:41: dialogTier1Selection. Dialog created

MSI (c) (78:DC) [16:03:48:947]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting TIER1LIST
property. Its current value is 'EVAL'.

MSI (c) (78:DC) [16:03:48:947]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding TIER1FOUND property.
Its value is 'False'.
Action 16:03:48: Database.UserDefinition. Dialog created
Action 16:03:50: Cancel. Dialog created

John Harvey

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