Hello WiX users,
this not really just a WiX question but a general for MSI based installations. 
Is there a good and secure way to detect if another MSI installation is 
allready running before starting another one which would fail with Error Code 
I have found two possible ways:
1)  There exists a Mutex that can be somehow checked or "grabbed" or wait for 
to be released.

2) Trying to stop the windows installer service gives an error message if 
antoher installation is running.

Additionally, is there a way to "block" MSI installations from running? I have 
the following scenario:
A Wise Installation is started (non MSI), installs files and later on starts a 
wrapped MSI installation. I would like to 
a) check first if another MSI installation is allready running and stop/inform 
the user if there is a installation allready in progress. I think this can be 
done with either of the 2 solutions above.

b) "block" MSI installations from running between my non MSI installation start 
and the launch of the wrapped MSI installation. Is this possible?

Can anyone tell me if and how Burn will handle this issues? How does it make 
sure that the installation sequence is not interrupted? Does it check for 
allready running installations before starting its "own"

I hope you can give some advices and information on this.


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