This has to be a common need yet I find hardly ANY references to it on the

I've got a product that has three sets of components, one installed on the
server, one on the web head, and one on the developer's machine. All three
sets could be installed on one machine and should peacefully coexist.

As I had it yesterday, each component was installing to a different place
and working ok, but that was just temporary as some files, gac'd assemblies,
and registry settings ought to be shared. Now I've made a merge module out
of the shared components and this new merge-module scenario is working fine
during install under ideal conditions and I've got major upgrades of a
single msi all figured out.

The problem is during installation of an msi when the version of the merge
module within the installing msi is lower than that of the already installed
version (of a different msi) - the newer version is overwritten with the
older version! Furthermore, upon un-installation routine of any of the three
msis, the shared stuff is removed even though it is still in use by the
other installed components.

For the most part I understand why I'm getting this behavior, but I don't
understand how I'm supposed to be configuring my installers so that these
components can be shared WITHOUT having a separate installer for the shared
components. Also, I don't want one big installer either - this won't scale

What I want is that the three installers contain whatever latest version of
the components in the merge module were available at build-time. At install
time, if a newer version of the shared components is installed, don't
overwrite them. At uninstall(and upgrade) time, the reference counts that
should have been tracked would determine whether the shared items should be

In case I'm just missing something, here are the important parts of the
merge file: My merge module's version number (the y in "w.x.y") is
incremented with each build, the package ID remains fixed, and each
component has Shared="yes" (although I've tried it without this as well).

I've started storing the various version numbers in the registry, and I
figured maybe I could conditionally install the merge module feature only if
the version number in the registry were absent or lower. But the conditional
arguments can't evaluate w.x.y.z properly, as says the documentation. The
documentation then suggests AppSearch, but AppSearch RegistrySearch can only
check for existence, not version number comparison either. Apparently the
FileSearch can, but the assembly file version numbers will not be
incremented with each build.

And I've read that MergeModules have many problems - maybe these are them -
but wixlibs don't seem to offer any solutions to these problems either.

So what is the right way to do merge module versioning??? I found a book
that has a TOC entry called "merge module versioning" on Amazon but the book
is out of print. :-P

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